12 Best Business Books
12 Best Business Books
These are the best business books that will help your business grow. These are the 12 Best Business Book
1- How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Business Book Synopsis: How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie provides readers with strategies for building relationships and dealing with people.
Despite being written in the 1930s, the concepts still prove to be applicable today. The 214-page book covers principles ranging from ‘Give honest and sincere appreciation to ‘Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.’
Why it’s a great business book: This is one of the most influential business books on dealing with people.
It was #19 on Time Magazine’s 2011 list of the best books.
Dale Carnegie’s book so greatly influenced mega-billionaire Warren Buffett that he even signed up for one of his public speaking courses.
The book contains numerous nuggets of information to help make you a better leader, listener, and relationship builder.
It’s one of those books you should re-read throughout your career, and the author even recommends re-reading it.
It contains many quotable moments, such as “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
If you implement the concepts from business books like this, you’ll create a more enthusiastic team, improve customer service, and more. This is one of the 12 Best Business Books. Buy it Now!
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2- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Business Book Synopsis: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill has been considered one of the most excellent self-development books. In the 238-page book, he tells stories of successful men such as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and other millionaires from his generation.
Why you should read this business book: When it comes to business books, Think and Grow Rich is a classic.
The book offers excellent insight into what causes a person to achieve greatness.
Some of the most famous quotes have come from this book, such as “A quitter never wins-and-a a winner never quits.”
Despite being a book from the 1930s, its popularity has grown, even after Hill’s death.
In 2015, the book had sold over 100 million copies since its original release, despite only selling 20 million copies at Hill’s death dead end.
The book is worth checking out, as Think and Grow Rich quotes are powerful and insightful. This is the second 12 Best Business Books. Buy it Now!
3- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Business Book Summary: Rich Dad Poor Dad is a popular personal finance book.
The book, often taught in colleges, tells the story of Robert T Kiyosaki’s two fathers: one rich and one poor.
The poor dad was his biological father, while the rich dad was a friend’s father who acted as his mentor.
He shares financial lessons he learned from his rich dad, often dispelling common myths.
Why check out this business book: When it comes to business books about financial literacy, Rich Dad Poor Dad is considered one of the best.
With over 26 million copies sold, celebrities like Oprah, Will Smith, Donald Trump, and Daymond John have publicly praised the book.
This book is excellent for those starting and wanting to get into an entrepreneur’s mindset. One of the book’s memorable quotes is, “Workers work hard enough not to be fired, and owners pay just enough so that workers won’t quit.”
If you read this while holding a 9 to 5 job, you might feel slightly more motivated to venture out on your own, keeping a 9 to 5 position; you might think somewhat more motivated to venture out independently.
The book has received some criticism for its factual inaccuracies, so taking what you read with a grain of salt is essential to take what you read a grain of salt.
When reading it, use it as inspiration to move forward in your business. This is the third of the 12 Best Business Books. Buy it Now!
4- The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
What’s this business book about: The 4-Hour Workweek is considered a game-changing business book by many.
It offers insight into how life is and how it could be.
Ferris shares his story of being an overworked entrepreneur and how he created a better work-life balance.
The book offers a step-by-step guide to lowering your workweek via outsourcing.
Why you’ll love this business book: Business books don’t get any better.
Tim Ferriss’ book became so popular that it was translated into 35 languages and sold over 1.3 million copies worldwide.
The New York Times bestseller was on the list for over four years.
The book popularised outsourcing and living a life of freedom.
If you decide to become a dropshipper, this book should be at the top of your reading list, as the business model complements many lessons from this book.
The book is an excellent lens for new entrepreneurs.
One of the memorable quotes in Ferriss’ book is, “The question is then, how can one achieve the millionaire lifestyle of complete freedom without first having $1,000,000?” it teaches you that you can change your lifestyle even without being a millionaire. This is the fourth 12 Best Business Books. Buy it Now!
5– Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marilee G. Adams
Change Your Questions Change Your Life
Business Book Synopsis: Inspirational books like Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marilee G. Adams don’t inspire you
It delves deep into rewiring your mindset.
This entrepreneur book breaks down the difference between a Judger and a Learner mindset.
A judger one is often filled with thoughts like ‘What’s wrong with me?’ and ‘Whom can I blame?’ but a learner mindset is all about asking questions like ‘What can I learn from this?’ and ‘What’s possible?’ Of course, if you’re knee-deep in the negative, it can be hard to make a sudden switch.
But this book helps you transition into a positive mindset by shifting the questions you ask yourself. And it does work!
Why It’s a Great Business Book: Must-read books like this by Adams don’t get featured on book lists. However, if you’ve been filled with self-doubt, negative thoughts or more obstacles than you know how to overcome, it’s like reading the words straight out of an executive coach’s mouth. Adams shares simple transition questions that can help you move from a negative judger mindset into a positive learner without making drastic personality changes. Entrepreneur books often teach you tactics that’ll help you run your business, but this enables you to gain more control of your business by improving your mindset. This is the fifth of the 12 Best Business Books. Buy it Now!
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6- The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
About this business book: In The $100 Start-up, Chris Guillebeau shares case studies of 50 individuals who make at least $50,000 from a low investment of under $100.
He shares the exact amount people spent to create their businesses.
Then, he promotes action over planning to achieve results. He also encourages choosing profitable passions.
Why read this business book: The $100 Startup is one of the best business books for entrepreneurs on a tight budget.
Starting a business doesn’t need to cost much money, which the book reiterates with its case studies.
Galilaeae also recommends failing quickly and not investing in projects unless they’ve proven to be profitable. The book contains a one-page business plan which is meant to promote action. He reiterates the importance of movement within his book with quotes such as “Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” Readers will also be reminded to focus on organic growth instead of dependence on advertising. This is the sixth of the 12 Best Business Books. Buy it Now!
7- Dropshipping 101: Ecommerce Without Inventory by Daniel Threlfall
Business Book Summary: We need a breakdown of what drop shipping is. Daniel Threlfall dives deep into the dropshipping basics in Dropshipping 101 you’ll need to know to become an eCommerce success. For those who start from ground zero, you’ll learn what exactly dropshipping is, what you’ll need to create a dropshipping business, how to choose your niche and products, how to promote your business and more.
Why it’s a must-read business book: Dropshipping is all the rage. And while you may have heard people buzzing about it, you might not know where to start. So, where do you start? With this ebook! By diving deep into what dropshipping is all about, you can get an excellent grasp to discover if dropshipping is a suitable business model for you. This is a must-read business book for those just starting with dropshipping. The strategies in this ebook are beginner friendly, making them easy to follow. This is the seventh of the 12 Best Business Books. Buy it Now!
8- 50 Ways to Get Sales with Dropshipping by Nicole Martins Ferreira
Business Book Summary: 50 Ways to Get Sales with Dropshipping is a free ebook that helps store owners learn marketing tactics that work to help them succeed in eCommerce. In this business ebook, you’ll learn the exact steps you need to take to level up your online store. Readers who struggle with marketing will learn tactics they can apply to help them achieve better results.
Why you’ll love this business ebook: Most marketing books share a general overview of how you can market your business. But no one ever shares the exact marketing strategies and tactics you need to do to win in business. This isn’t the type of ebook where you’ll learn you should market on Facebook or another platform. This is the ebook where you’ll learn the exact tactics within Facebook marketing you should be exploring. You’ll also discover what other online businesses are doing differently within the whole realm of marketing. You’ll also get to read great advice from successful marketers and entrepreneurs. No other marketer would ever share this many secrets – business books don’t get better than this. This is the eighth of 12 Best Business Books.
9- The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
Business Book Description: In Josh Kaufman’s The Personal MBA, he teaches readers the business fundamentals you’d learn in business school so that you don’t have to enrol. Readers will learn how to master productivity, decision-making and experimentation. You’ll also learn how things work in the business world so that you can build a profitable empire.
Reasons to read a business book like this: Many people put off starting a business until they pursue an education or take an online course. With business books like this, you learn the business school essentials in an easy ea,easy-to-read. easyhe book that teaches excellent business insights such as “A good salesman, as the old (and politically incorrect) saying goes, can sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo. It’s a cliché, but there’s some truth to i: Inuit who lives above the Arctic Circle use insulated refrigerators to keep their food from freezing in subzero temperatures.” Readers will also learn concepts such as the iron law of the market. This is the ninth of the 12 Best Business Books. Buy it Now!
Business Book Synopsis: The Art of War by Sun Tzu is an ancient Chinese military book. However, many of the concepts in this book apply to politics and business. The book shares insights into how to outsmart the competition and how to be an effective leader.
Why it’s one of the best business books: The Art of War was written in the 5th century BC yet is still being taught in many business school programs today. The concepts from the book apply to highly competitive business settings to help brands crush the competition. The book offers intelligent insights such as “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. You will succumb in every battle if you know neither the enemy nor yourself.” Replacing the enemy with a competitor instantly becomes applicable in a business setting. This is the tenth of the 12 Best Business Books. Buy it Now!
11- The Lean Startup by Eric Ries
Business Book Description: The Lean Startup by Eric Ries encourages businesses to spend more efficiently while maximising employees’ creativity. It covers topics such as experimentation, ways to measure progress and how to understand the needs of customers. The book’s focus is on teaching businesses to be more adaptable.
Why you should read business books like this: Eric Ries’ book offers excellent actionable insights for entrepreneurs. For example, in his book, he writes, “The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else.” However, he emphasises action: “Reading is good, action is better.” The best way for an entrepreneur to learn isn’t by reading business books. It’s by trying things out. Thus, making it an excellent read for entrepreneurs who hide behind books instead of diving into their businesses. The book has case studies, creating an easy read while teaching readers valuable lessons. This is the eleventh of 12 Best Business Books. Buy it now!
12- MONEY: Master the Game by Tony Robbins

Money master the game book
Business Books Synopsis: In MONEY: Master the Game, Tony Robbins shares financial secrets from 50 of the world’s best financial experts. In his book, he shares insights from billionaires Warren Buffett and Carl Icahn. Robbins simplifies the interviews into seven simple steps to help the average person achieve financial freedom.
Why business books like this are worth checking out: Tony Robbin’s book is best for entrepreneurs looking to invest their profits. However, learning the concepts in business books like this will help you make strategic financial decisions. In this book, you’ll learn how to invest in the stock market. The New York Times bestseller offers success insights such as “Success leaves clues. People who succeed at the highest level are not lucky; they do something different than everyone else.” Thus, reminding people to pay attention to what successful people do differently and learn from those who’ve succeeded. So, these are the 12 Best Business Books. That will help you succeed in life. Buy it Now!
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