

Feedback from you is very important to us. Do you have a comment or suggestion for FADIC?

        We are committed to protecting your privacy. Let us know what’s on your mind. If you have any idea for business opportunities, feel free to contact us anytime. In addition to, if you have any questions, please contact us.

Your Feedback is important to us to achieve FADIC Vision to Be:
  • International leadership position in continuous improvement activities for Healthcare Professionals with drug information provision, in addition, to be a professional excellence, and evidence-based practices.
  • Serve as an evidence-based source of information to all public and serve as an online evidence-based source of Arabic content “Non-Profit Foundation”
  • Gain a leading position in the healthcare system in the following years. In addition to becoming one of the most demanded evidenced-based services. 
FADIC is where life long learning is always available. with FADIC you will never stop learning.You will learn the skills needed to work with an evidence-based practice.

Firstly, FADIC will land you to the jobs you want suitable to build lives you deserve.

secondary, FADIC will help you to be satisfied in your workplace.

Thirdly, FADIC will guide you to find You Passion in your work.

Lastly, FADIC will help you to be effective in your life


We will be happy to hear from you. Contact us.