6 tips to beat the afternoon slump

6 Tips to beat the afternoon slump

6 Tips to beat the afternoon slump

Follow Japan’s 80% Rule:

  • Most people lose 2-3 hours daily to the afternoon slump.
  • But it doesn’t have to be that way.
  • Imagine you reclaiming 14+ hours weekly of high energy.
  • You could:

• Boost productivity
• Deepen relationships
• Get in the best shape of your life

6 tips to beat the afternoon slump:

1) Follow Japan’s 80% Rule

“Eat until you’re only 80% full.”

Overeating makes the body divert blood & energy to digestion (causing drowsiness).

Nobody has time for a food coma.

So, at lunch:

-Prioritize nutritious foods
-Eat slowly to calibrate fullness
-Stop eating at 80%

2) Stay Hydrated

Your brain is 73% water.

Dehydration impairs decision-making and causes low energy.

Get your brain the water it deserves:

• Drink 0.5-1 fl oz per lb of bodyweight
• Carry a water flask everywhere you go

Hydrate, think clearly, keep that energy.


3) Use a Standing Desk

Our ancestors used to hunt mammoths.

Now we sit at desks for 8 hours every day.

Then we watch TV for another 3 hours (on average).

Humans aren’t built for this…

87% of those using a standing desk report increased energy.

Simply, we’re wired to be alert when standing.

I use Fully Jarvis, but there are cheaper options (including desktop conversions).

Get a standing desk, take walking meetings, move your body daily.


4) Optimize Your Work Environment

one of the 6 Tips to beat the afternoon slump is Activate your 5 senses:

👂: Listen to Hans Zimmer

👁️: Hide bad triggers (phone)

👃: Use an aromatherapy diffuser (peppermint & lemon promote focus)

👋: Set a cool room temp for alertness (69-72°)

👅: Hydrate; stock healthy snacks


5) Set a Pomodoro Timer

Recenter your focus after lunch with a Pomodoro timer.

I like Focus To-Do, a Chrome extension.

Set a timer in the app for 25 mins on, 5 mins off.

25 mins of pure focus is science-backed:

It’s cognitively challenging but feels attainable.



6) Embrace the Power Nap (Optional)

one of the 6 tips to beat the afternoon slump is :

Einstein. Thatcher. da Vinci.

What do these icons of history have in common? They all recognized the value of a power nap. Throughout history, many of the great minds have turned to short bouts of sleep to refresh their thoughts and reset their minds.

The Benefits of Power Napping:

– Boosted Cognition: Even a brief nap can improve cognitive functions, making you sharper and more attentive.

– Enhanced Creativity: A short rest can clear the cobwebs, often leading to bursts of creativity and fresh perspectives.

– Reduced Stress: Naps can lower cortisol levels, reducing stress and its adverse impacts on your health.

However, effective napping isn’t just about lying down whenever you feel like it. There are two key considerations:

1. Length: Aim for short naps. Anything more than 30 minutes might put you into REM sleep, which can result in sleep inertia, that feeling of grogginess and disorientation upon waking.

2. Timing: Avoid napping too late in the day. Sleeping past 3 pm can interfere with your nighttime sleep. It’s essential to prioritize getting a full 7+ hours of sleep at night.

To make the most of your power nap, find your sweet spot in terms of both duration and the time of day. Once you get it right, you’ll find yourself more energized, focused, and ready to conquer the rest of your day!



TL;DR Beat the Afternoon Slump:

• Follow the 80% Eating Rule
• Stay hydrated
• Use a standing desk
• Activate your 5 senses
• Set a Pomodoro timer
• Take a 20-min power nap (optional)

Keep that energy!!


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