Drug Information Program and Workshop
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10 Weeks

Course Project


English Slides with Arabic Speaking

Course Starting



Why Take Drug Information Education and Training Program?

Welcome to Drug Information Program, Prepare yourself to be drug information professionals work in a variety of setting. Learn how to be a Drug Information Professional, and learn how to reach the evidence-based information in the right way



Drug Information Course: Comprehensive Guide for Medication Resources

  • FADIC, where lifelong learning never stops.
  •  By increasing social media, mobile applications, and internet resources, drug information course is essential.
  • Additionally, considered a MUST needed skill for every pharmacist everywhere and in all specialities.
  • It is the time for each pharmacist to be a drug information professional.
  • Moreover, learn how to reach the drug information course.
  • Finally, the evidence-based information is in the right way, from the right resources, and at the right time.

Estimated Time Commitment

  • 2 Hours per week; additional time may be required if helping to upload a weekly workshop project.
  • This program fulfils the requirement of continuous education and training from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties in Saudi Arabia. The duration of the program is 10 Weeks. With one-hour workshop training after each week. For a total of 30 CME. 
  • After registering for the program, it will only be available for two years. It has to be finished within these two years.

What You Will Get Every Week (Lesson Planning)
Online Lesson Workshop / Project Mentor Support Reviewer
(2-3 Hours) per week (60 Minutes) per week Every week
Review the answers with feedback

For Drug Information Program Syllabus and Lecturers, from this LINK.

Drug Information

Drug Information Program and Workshop Description

  • This drug information course employs various types of internet and electronic resources.
  • Additionally, the information retrieval and evaluation.
  • Moreover, learn the application skills that represent a significant component of each pharmacist’s core skills.
  • The drug information course is combined with other practice responsibilities.
  • Moreover, the practice of drug information (e.g. medication use).
  • The program provides practitioners with valuable expertise in critically essential activities.
  • Additionally, knowing the basics of medical & professional writing.
  • Finally, the drug information course will focus on all pharmacists’ key education and training models.
  • Using Active Learning Strategies and interactive discussions to achieve the best outcome.

E-Learning Storyboard

Drug Information Program and Workshop Purpose

  • Determine fundamental drug information skills for all pharmacy students.
  • Identify settings where student drug information skills can be developed and refined.
  • Define the recommended training path for drug information specialists.
  • Describe the job responsibilities of contemporary drug information specialists.
  • Formulate a strategy by which interested candidates can learn about available drug information residencies and fellowships.

What will you Learn in Drug Information Program?

FREE FADIC Drug Information Program Introduction Session

1- Short Introduction to Pharmacy & Drug Information

  • It is essential to know the definition of pharmacy and the difference in pharmacy terminology in the past and future.
  • It is also essential to know the definition of the drug information.
  • Additionally, the history and examples of drug information centres worldwide.
  • Applies evidence-based therapeutic guidelines, evolving sciences, and emerging technologies.
  • Moreover, understand the relevant legal, ethical, social, cultural, economic, and professional principles to ensure optimal patient outcomes.
  • Is the primary source of scientifically valid information and advice regarding the safe, appropriate, and cost-effective use of medications.

2- Drug information skills & PICO principle

  • Know the importance of drug information centres in the evolution of pharmacy practice.
  • What is the meaning of Evidence-Based Medicine?
  • Learn how to formulate a Clinical Question using PICO Format.
  • Describe the skills needed by pharmacists to perform medication information functions.

3- Systematic & Structural Approach for Answering Questions

  • Describe the modified systematic approach (MSA) used in answering drug information questions.
  • List the steps involved in the MSA in answering DI questions, and discuss the rationale for each step.
  • Use the modified systematic approach in answering drug information questions.

4-  Drug Information Resources & Literature Retrieval

  • Overview of drug information resources.
  • Differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources of information.
  • Develop an appropriate search strategy for a given DI question that will result in high-quality literature retrieval.

5- How to use the Internet & Electronic Resources

  • Define the term drug information, use it in different contexts, and relate it to the term medication information.
  • Describe the importance of drug information centres in the evolution of pharmacy practice.
  • Identify the services provided by drug information centres.
  • Identify medication information functions performed by individual pharmacists.
  • Describe the skills needed by pharmacists to perform medication information functions.
  • Describe practice opportunities for a medication information specialist.

6- Legal and Ethical Aspects of Drug Information Practice

  • Identify medication information functions performed by individual pharmacists.
  • Describe the skills needed by pharmacists to perform ethical medication information functions.
  • Identify legal aspects that have influenced the ability of pharmacists to provide medical information.
  • Describe How pharmacists protect themselves from malpractice.

7-  Basic Concepts and Clinical Application of Biostatistics

  • Describe the importance of understanding statistics in completing and evaluating scientific studies.
  • Define the various levels of data.
  • Determine whether the appropriate statistics have been performed and provided in a study.
  • Interpret the statistical results of a research study to determine whether the authors’ conclusions are supported.

8- Drug Literature Evaluation & Clinical Trial Evaluation

  • Explain why pharmacists need the skills to locate and evaluate current information for pharmaceutical care activities.
  • Describe the unique characteristics of the clinical trial that distinguish this research design for clinical research.
  • Identify Internet websites to register controlled clinical trials.
  • Discuss methods to identify the potential and conclusions.
  • Differentiate between internal and external validity.
  • Identify critical information presented in sections of a clinical trial.
  • Discuss the need for well-defined study objectives, randomisation,  and blinding within a clinical trial.

9- Journal Article Review and Journal Club presentation Exercise

  • State The Guidelines for Reviewing a journal article.
  • List Important aspects that should be considered when examining a manuscript and writing the review.
  • List of Components of both a research and review paper.
  • Describe the standard format of the journal articles.
  • Discuss the results of the study and specify the limitation.
  • Describe how to prepare review articles.
  • Describe how to cite an article in a bibliography correctly.
  • State Author Guidelines for publications in journals.

10- Evidence-Based Practice & Clinical Practice Guideline

  • Evidence-Based Practice & Clinical Practice Guideline.
  • Guideline Development Method.
  • Interpretation Of Guideline Recommendations.
  • Barriers To Guidelines Implementation.
  • Source Of Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  • Example: ADA Guidelines for treating DM updates and questions to be answered based on guidelines.

11- Quality Improvement & Medication Use Process “Medication Management & Use.”

  • Outline the general process of medication use process.
  • Describe the role of pharmacists in the medication use evaluation process.
  • Joint Commission of International Standards “JCI” standards for Medication management.

12- Medication Misadventures, Adverse Drug Reactions, and Medication Errors

Describe the significance of:
  • Adverse drug reactions (ADRs)
  • Medication and prescribing errors
  • Pharmacovigilance reporting system
  • Principles of medicine safety evaluation.
  • Management of spontaneous case reports of ADRs and medication and prescribing errors.
  • The process of monitoring, evaluating, and preventing ADRs and adverse drug events.

13- How to Start Drug Information Center?

  • Learn how to start a drug information centre.
  • Learn the tools and requirements for establishing a unique drug information centre.

FADIC Educational System for Drug Information Program

  • Online Sessions through FADIC Website
  • Mentorship system 
  • Reviewer system
  • Workshop activities
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Case-Based Discussion
  • Online Webinar
By the end of the program, you will have to complete your final project for the journal club presentation. Here is the link to SAMPLE journal club presentations from this LINK

With FADIC Drug Information Course, you Will Have…

Unlock Your Potential with FADIC: Expert Mentorship for Aspiring Professionals

Enhance your learning with the FADIC Mentorship Reviewer System. A dedicated mentor will guide you through your projects and workshops, providing personalized feedback to help you succeed.

Download, Print, and Excel: Get the Most Out of FADIC’s Learning Resources

Maximize your learning with downloadable and printable FADIC handouts. Study effectively and independently at your own pace.

Stay Ahead with FADIC: 24-Month Access to All Updates and Course Materials

laptop green Access and update

Stay updated with FADIC: Starting from your registration date, you will enjoy 24 months of full access to all course materials, including the latest updates and course content.

Free FADIC Book Upon Registration

Upon registration, you will receive the FADIC Drug Information Flash Cards Book at no cost.

Get FADIC Certificate

Finally, get your Certificate from FADIC and be ready to start your professional career journey.

You will be able to study and work on your own properly.

For Drug Information Program Syllabus and Lecturers, from this LINK.

Related Courses:


1. #drug information handbook pdf 
2. #drug information center 
3. #drug information، drug information resources
4. #drug information handbook 
5. #drug information services  
6. #drug information centre 
7. #معلومات الادويه
8. #مركز المعلومات الدوائيه
9. #dic pharmacist، dic
10. #مركز المعلومات الدوائية 

If you have any inquiry, please contact WhatsApp.


  • 1- Introduction & PICO  5

    • FADIC Drug Information Program Educational Model
    • Introduction to the Concept of Drug Information
    • The PICO principle and Skills Needed to Drug Information Pharmacist
    • FADIC PICO Worksheet and Search Strategy Booklet
    • Workshop 1
  • 2- Systematic Approach  4

    • Systematic & Structural Approach for Answering a Drug Information Request
    • Top 10 Ethical and Legal Issues in Drug Information
    • Workshop 2 of Systematic and Structured Approach
    • Drug Information Request Form
  • 3- PubMed Search & Electronic Resources  10

    • PubMed Overview
    • PubMed: Basics for Searching
    • PubMed: Behind the Scenes
    • PubMed: Filters and Field Tags
    • PubMed: Identifying Search Terms
    • PubMed: Building a Search
    • Drug Information, and Electronic Resources 
    • FADIC Electronic Library
    • FADIC Library for Medical Resources
    • Workshop 3 of PubMed Search & Electronic Resources
  • 4- Statistics & Clinical Trial  5

    • Basics of Biostatistics
    • Clinical Application of Biostatistics
    • Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluation
    • Phases of Clinical Trials
    • Workshop 4 of the Statistics, and Clinical Trials
  • 5- EBM & Journal Review  6

    • Introduction of Evidence-Based Medicine
    • Journal Club Presentation (Pre-appraisal)
    • Evidence-based Practice
    • Journal Review
    • Clinical Practice Guidelines Tools & Resources
    • Workshop 5 of the EBM & Journal Review
  • 6- Medication Misadventures & MMU  8

    • Medication Management and Use 
    • Essential Safety Requirements
    • Medication Errors
    • Adverse Drug Reactions
    • FADIC Side Effect Report Card Booklet
    • Pharmacovigilance
    • Workshop 6 of Medication Misadventure, and Medication Management
    • Black Box Warning Medications List
  • 7- How to Start DIC & Case Studies  4

    • How to Establish a Drug Information Center?
    • Drug Information Case Studies
    • Summerized Infographics of Top 200 Drugs
    • FADIC Drug Information Flash Cards
  • 8- Final Revision of DIC Program  3

    • Drug Information Revision
    • Effective Stepwise Strategies for DI Questions
    • Important Drug Information Resources
  • 9- Final Project of Drug Information  2

    • Final Project of Drug Information
    • Final Quiz of Drug Information
  • Recap  1

    • Drug Information Recap
  • Your Certificate  1

    • And Finally, Your Certificate…


  • Lessons 49
  • Language English Slides with Arabic Speaking
  • Duration 10 Weeks
  • Language العربية
  • Open 2025


الكورس رائع ومفيد ومتخصص ويزودك بالاساسيات وكذلك التفاصيل . ممتاز جدا للشرح والتدريب

Amal awad

كان الكورس اكثر من رائع ومفيد لكل صيدلي انه ياخذه لأن مهارة البحث عن المعلومات الدوائية مهارة مهمة جدا لكل صيدلي

Lamya Abdullah Ali AlDaiji

شكرا لجميع القائمين على كورس المعلومات الدوائية

برنامج جميل واستفدت منه الكثير وراح يكون مرجع لي وقت م احتاجه

Shahad Hezam

اشكر القائمين على البرنامج على تقديم برنامج للمعلومات الدوائية بالعربي وبالمستوى دا . البرنامج كان عملي كل جزء بعده في أسئلة تجاوبها وتتقيم عليها يخليك تبحث وتشتغل والفيدباك محدد ويوضحلك ايش تحتاج تحسن و الدكاترة معاك يجاوبوا على التساؤلات على طول.

Roaa Alqayidi

جدا استفدت من هذا الكورس وكان يغطي كل المواضيع المهمه عن كورس المعلومات الدوائية، استفدت من البروجكت وطورت مهارات كنت احتاجها في البراكتس شكرا لجميع القائمين على كورس المعلومات الدوائية

Khalid Abdullah M Alsaedi

التجربه كانت جميلة ومفيده جدا خصوصا بمن يرغب في تكمله دراسته بعد البكالريوس وشكرا لكل الاساتذه واهتمامهم خصوصا د . رشا

Aeshah ibrahim

كان من الجيد مراجعه المعلومات حول اساسيات العلاج الدوائي اثناء الحمل والرضاعة . الاسلوب و طريقة طرح المعلومات الجيدة واتطلع لمواضيع اخري تطرحها فادك و بالتوفيق

Farah sader

بعد تجربتي لبرنامج المعلومات الدوائية مع فادك اكتشفت بالرغم من انه برنامج بسيط لكن مهم للغاية وخصوصا ان البعض منا في مجاله في المستشفي يتلقي العديد من الاسئله المختلفه التي يكون الطبيب فيها متحير وينتظر تأكيد الصيدلي بجواب مفيد . فعندما يكون الصيدلي ملم لأي مصدر سيتجه او يبحث عن جوابه يكون اسهل عليه بكثير اعجبتني الطريقة السلسة والبسيطة في طرح المعلومات بحيث يسهل فهمها و استيعابها استفدت في مجال عملي وكذلك الشخصي اخيرا اشكر القائمين علي البرنامج وجزاكم الله خير الجزاء علي المعلومات المفيدة في قالب شيق وبسيط وشكرا

Norah Hawsawi

برنامج فادك للمعلومات الدوائيه برنامج متميز جدا و يضعك علي اول الطريق للعمل ك صيدلي الاكلينيكي برنامج فادك للمعلومات الدوائيه برنامج مفيد جدا ومبذول فيه مجهود كبير كل الشكر للقائمين علي البرنامج

Mai Fawaz

كورس فادك للمعلومات الدوائية كان مفيد جدا وعلمني كيفية البحث عن المعلومة بشكل صحيح وفعال وخاصة طريقة البحث في pubmed

Nada elmorshedy

790 USD 550 USD
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