FADIC Pharmacokinetics Program
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5 Weeks

Course Project


English Slides with Arabic Illusteration

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FADIC Pharmacokinetics Program

 Apply PK to Create Patient Dosing Regimens

FADIC Pharmacokinetics Program

What You Will Get Every Week (Lesson Planning)
Online Lesson Workshop / Project Mentor Support Reviewer
(2-3 Hours) per week (60 Minutes) per week Every week
Review the answers with feedback

1. Basic Concepts of Clinical Pharmacokinetics

  • Introduction of Pharmacokinetics
  • Why it is essential to learn and apply pharmacokinetics

2. Renal Dosage Adjustment Guidelines for Antimicrobials

  • Dose adjustment guidelines for medications in patients with renal impairment
  • Hepatic drug dose adjustment.
  • Linear and nonlinear kinetics of drug elimination
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring in special populations
  • PK and drug dosing in dialysis patients
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Toward personalised medicine with physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling
  • Dose Calculations, e.g. BSA, IBW, CrCl, etc.

3. Therapeutic drug monitoring: which drugs, why, when and how to do it?


  • Aminoglycosides
  • Vancomycin


  • Phenobarbital
  • Carbamazepine
  • Phenytoin
  • Valproic acid


  • Digoxin
  • Lidocaine
  • Lithium
  • Methotrexate
  • Paracetamol
  • Theophylline


  • Warfarin
  • Enoxaparin
  • Argatroban
  • Bivaluridin

4. Clinical Application of Pharmacokinetics

  • Pharmacokinetics mobile applications.
  • Internet resources, Pk software
  • The Pharmacist’s Role in Clinical Pharmacokinetic Monitoring
  • Maintain Drug Therapy Monitoring and Healthcare Professional Education
  • How to Apply pharmacokinetics to clinical practice?

Why do You need To Learn FADIC Pharmacokinetics Program?

FADIC Pharmacokinetics Program Offers

Unlock Your Potential with FADIC: Expert Mentorship for Aspiring Professionals

Enhance your learning with the FADIC Mentorship Reviewer System. A dedicated mentor will guide you through your projects and workshops, providing personalized feedback to help you succeed.

Download, Print, and Excel: Get the Most Out of FADIC’s Learning Resources

Maximize your learning with downloadable and printable FADIC handouts. Study effectively and independently at your own pace.

Stay Ahead with FADIC: 24-Month Access to All Updates and Course Materials

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Stay updated with FADIC: Starting from your registration date, you will enjoy 24 months of full access to all course materials, including the latest updates and course content.

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Medication Book

Lifetime Access and Updates

For Pharmacokinetics Program Syllabus and Lecturers, from this LINK.

Related Mini-Courses:

Related Books:

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If you have any inquiry, please contact WhatsApp.


  • Week 1  7

    • W1:1 The Importance of Clinical Pharmacokinetics Education
    • W1:2 Pharmacokinetics Vs. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
    • W1:3 Rational Use of Drug Concentration Measurements
    • W1:4 Evaluating the Need for a Drug Concentration Measurement
    • W1:5 Approaches to Dosing With Limited Need For Drug Concentration Measurements
    • W1:6 Role of Pharmacist in Clinical Pharmacokinetic Monitoring
    • Workshop 1 of Clinical Pharmacokinetics
  • Week 2  10

    • W2:1 Pharmacokinetic Units & Symbols
    • W2:2 Calculate BSA, IBW, CrCl
    • W2:3 Renal Impairment Dosage Adjustment Guidelines
    • W2:4 Linear and Non-linear Kinetics of Drug Elimination
    • W2:5 Pharmacokinetics Clinical Case Studies
    • W2:6 Drug Dose Adjustment in Dialysis Patients
    • W2:7 Dose Adjustment in Hepatic Disease Patients
    • W2:8 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring In Special Populations
    • W2:9 Personalized Medicine and Physiologically-based PK models
    • Workshop 2 of Clinical Pharmacokinetics Program
  • Week 3  9

    • W3:1 Overview of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
    • W3:2 Aminoglycosides
    • W3:3 Vancomycin
    • W3:4 Carbamazepine
    • W3:5 Phenobarbital
    • W3:6 Valproic Acid
    • W3:7 Phenytoin
    • W3:8 Vancomycin Case Study
    • Workshop 3 of Clinical Pharmacokinetics Program
  • Week 4  9

    • W4:1 Digoxin
    • W4:2 Lidocaine
    • W4:3 Lithium
    • W4:4 Theophylline
    • W4:5 Methotrexate
    • W4:6 Acetaminophen
    • W4:7 Warfarin
    • W4:8 Unfractionated Heparin AND Enoxaparin
    • Workshop 4 of Clinical Pharmacokinetics Program
  • Week 5  12

    • W5:1 Clinical Guide to Apply Pharmacokinetics
    • W5:2 Pharmacist’s Role in Clinical Pharmacokinetic Monitoring
    • W5:3 The ABCD of Clinical Pharmacokinetics
    • W5:4 Responsibilities of Clinical Pharmacokinetic
    • W5:5 Individualization of Drug Dosage Regimens in Pharmacokinetics
    • W5:6 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
    • W5:7 FADIC Clinical Guide to Apply Pharmacokinetics
    • W5:8 What Are the Best Resources on Pharmacokinetics?
    • W5:9 FADIC Therapeutic Drug Monitoring List E-Booklet
    • W5:10 Clinical Pharmacokinetic Training Packet for Pharmacists
  • Your Certificate  1

    • And Finally, Your Certificate…


  • Lessons 48
  • Language English Slides with Arabic Illusteration
  • Duration 5 Weeks
  • Language العربية
  • Open 2024


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Reem Mahmoud Mohamed

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