Digital Marketing Mini-course
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4 Weeks

Course Project


English Slides

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SEO Content Essentials Course

By the end of this SEO Content Essential Course, you will be able to:

  • Define the SEO content strategic plan.
  • Understand the guidelines to be ranked on Google
  • Develop the stepwise systematic approach for your content writing
  • How to Learn SEO and use it in electronic marketing
  • Determine the measures for the effectiveness of your content

SEO Content Essentials Course Syllabus

How to Create a Buyer Persona

  • Step-by-step guide to defining the target persona
  • Introduction to Content Writing
  • Copywriting Activities Among Social Media
  • The Power of Storytelling

Electronic writing plan

  • A Guide to Becoming an Effective Writer
  • The Most 11 Grammatical Errors We All Need to Stop Making
  • How to Make a Long-Term Content Strategy Plan?
  • What Should a Long-Term Content Plan Look Like?

Electronic marketing in the social media

  • Building a Content Creation Framework
  • Best Practice Content Writing “Reviewing & Editing.”
  • Resources you need to Build a Content Creation Framework
  • Habits of Highly Effective Writers
  • How to Write Content for Social Media

How to create a blog post?

  • How to Create your Blog Post?
  • What Does a Successful Blog Post Look Like?
  • The 4 Opportunities to Help Grow your Blog
  • Repurposing Content Strategies
  • How to Effectively Promote Content?
  • Content Marketing Optimisation

What You Will Get Every Week (Lesson Planning)
Online Lesson Workshop / Project Mentor Support Reviewer
(2-3 Hours) per week (60 Minutes) per week Every week
Review the answers with feedback

It deserves to start from here and Enroll Now on Content Writing Course.

Meet the instructor

Dr Waleed Mostafa Marzok

M.Sc. of Radiology, MBBCh
Royal College of Radiologist
Udacity Digital Marketing Nono-Degree

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Dr Waleed received his Master’s Degree in Clinical Radiology from Ain-Shams university, Egypt. He is studying for his fellowship at the Royal College of Radiologists – in the United Kingdom. He found his passion in Digital Marketing. He finished his Nono-degree certification from Udacity in collaboration with Google in Digital Marketing. He is a digital marketing consultant specialising in Social Media management at different platforms, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Email Marketing, Market Strategic Planning, Google Analytics, Market Research, Copy Writing, and Google AdWords. Also, specialise in the best use of Medical terms and every small detail in the medical industry related to digital marketing. All these skills, in association with his 15-year medical field experience, give him great strength in the field of Medical and the efficient use of Digital Marketing in the Medical industry.

Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam


Master & Diploma of clinical pharmacy.

Quantitative Research Certification.

Antimicrobial Stewardship Certification/SIDP.

Item Writing American Board of Infectious Disease.

Reviewer for PSAP ID 2018 Series

View Bio

Dr Rasha is the CEO of FADIC. She was in Tanta university hospital, Egypt. In 2013, she received TQM from an American university, BCPS, CPHQ, and M.Sc. in Clinical Pharmacy. She received certification from SIDP. She obtained the add qualification from the American board in infectious disease. Leaded MM CBAHI Saudi accreditation. Established stewardship committee and implementation in MCH, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

She shared in item exam writing for BCIDP Exam. She shared as a reviewer in infectious diseases PSAP. Authorship for published around 20 papers. One paper about the vision of 2030 for the general pharmaceutical department in Saudi Arabia. She received TLC certification from ACCP academy. Moreover, a personal, professional, stewardship leadership, and research consultant. Share in strategic planning, hospital accreditation, and stewardship education.


1. #search engine optimization، what is seo in digital marketing
2. #seo, #سيو، خدمات seo، seo معنى، اكثر بحث في قوقل
3. #seo meaning، #معنى seo، تحسين محركات البحث ( seo ) تعني
4. #seo ماهو، #ما هو seo، ما الذي يجب وضعه في الاعتبار عند تطوير محتوى موقعك الإلكتروني؟
5. #تحسين محركات البحث، تحسين محركات البحث seo
6. #ماهو seo، ماهو سيو، معنى search
7. #what is seo، ما هو ال seo
8. #seo marketing
9. #ما الخطوة الأولى في عملية تحسين محركات البحث لموقعك على الويب؟ ، السيو، ما هو سيو، ماهو السيو
10. #google seo، search engine marketing، محركات البحث seo

If you have any inquiry, please contact WhatsApp.


  • Week 1  5

    • W1:1 Introduction of Content Writing
    • W1:2 Copywriting Activities Among Social Media
    • W1:3 Eleven Tips for Writing Magnetic Headlines
    • W1:4 The Power of Storytelling
    • Workshop 1 of Content Writing
  • Week 2  5

    • W2:1 A Guide to Becoming an Effective Writer
    • W2:2 The Most 11 Grammatical Errors We All Need to Stop Making
    • W2:3 How to Make a Long-Term Content Strategy Plan?
    • W2:4 What Should a Long-Term Content Plan Look Like?
    • Workshop 2 of Content Writing
  • Week 3  6

    • W3:1 Building a Content Creation Framework
    • W3:2 Best Practice Content Writing “Reviewing & Editing”
    • W3:3 Resources you need to Build a Content Creation Framework
    • W3:4 Habits of Highly Effective Writers
    • W3:5 How to Write Content for Social Media
    • Workshop 3 of Content Writing
  • Week 4  7

    • W4:1 How to Create your Blog Post?
    • W4:2 What Does a Successful Blog Post Look Like?
    • W4:3 The 4 Opportunities to Help Grow your Blog
    • W4:4 Repurposing Content Strategies
    • W4:5 How to Effectively Promote Content?
    • W4:6 Content Marketing Optimization
    • Workshop 4 of Content Writing
  • Week 5  4

    • كيفية البحث في جوجل
    • جوجل نشاطي التجاري | Google My Business
    • تسويق إلكتروني
    • Content Writing Step-By-Step Guide
  • Your Certificate  1

    • And Finally, Your Certificate…


  • Lessons 28
  • Language English Slides
  • Duration 4 Weeks
  • Language العربية
  • Open 2024

320 USD 60 USD
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