FADIC Vitamins Guide

FADIC Vitamins Guide

In this book, you’ll gain a better understanding of what these vitamins do in the body and why you want to make sure you’re getting enough of them, Download it NOW!!

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 FADIC Vitamins Guide

Vitamins Guide Introduction:

  • This book will provide an The Ultimate Vitamins Guide to 13 vitamins you need for health.
  • It covers all Water-soluble and Fat-soluble vitamins; including vitamin A. B vitamins and folic acid. vitamin C. vitamin D. vitamin E. vitamin K
  • Each type of vitamins is discussed with regards to:
    • Sources
    • Functions
    • Daily requirements
    • Deficiency symptoms
    • Toxicity symptoms
  • Additionally, this book will help you to know the best way to use and recommend the vitamins properly, and vitamins patient counseling and education.
  • Moreover, this book will guide you to one of the important issues related to the vitamins case-based assessment, to individualize the certain type of vitamins based on the patient clinical condition, and assessment.
  • You will learn in this book, how to think in a systematic and structural way in any vitamins clinical case and would be able to select the best vitamins recommendation for each one with regards to patient’s health status.
  • Finally, this book will provide you with an amazing infographic for the vitamins to be an ultimate guide for vitamins in an easy attractive graphics.
  • I hope you enjoy this book and get the maximum benefits from this amazing impressive vitamin guide e-book.

Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam

Vitamins Guide Objectives:

  • Understand the definition and types of vitamins.
  • Define each type of vitamins, sources, deficiency, and toxicity.
  • Determine how to maintain the best use of vitamins.
  • Describe the role of pharmacist in use and recommendation of vitamins
  • Illustrate how pharmacist promote vitamin patient counseling
  • Discuss case studies and how to use the proper approach in vitamin use.

Vitamins Guide Outlines:

  • Types of Vitamins
  • Vitamin B1, B2, B3
  • Vitamin, B5, B6, B7
  • Vitamin, B9, B12, C
  • Vitamins A, D, K, E
  • When to Take Vitamins?
  • Pharmacists Recommend Vitamins
  • Vitamin Toxicity
  • Vitamins Patient Counseling
  • Assessment of Multivitamins: A Case- Based Approach


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