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HAAD Pharmacist: Comprehensive Prep Online Course
The Ultimate Guide To Prepare For HAAD
- Do you want to practice in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)?
- A professional license is a mandatory requirement to practice within a profession in UAE.
- To get a license, you must pass the HAAD Pearson Pharmacy exam.
- This course will cover everything from what is the HAAD Pearson Pharmacy exam.
- What do you have to study for the exam?
- Who should take the exam?
- Tips for the Exam Test!
- Actionable steps that you can take to pass your HAAD Pearson Pharmacy exam.
- To make it easy, the table of contents will help you navigate through the FADIC ultimate guide to prepare for the HAAD Pearson Pharmacy exam.
What is the HAAD Exam?
- HAAD (Health Authority of Abu Dhabi) is a professional license exam conducted by Abu Dhabi Authority.
- There are different specialities of exams depending on the student’s profession.
- The major areas which HAAD covers include
- Pharmacists need to take a different exams based on their specialisations.
- The HAAD classifies pharmacists into clinical pharmacists, community pharmacists, and pharmacy technician.
HAAD Pearson Pharmacy Exam Syllabus (Pharmacist HAAD Syllabus)
1. Professional and Ethical Practice Self-management
- Commitment to Quality
- Fulfils their legal and regulatory obligations as a Pharmacist and employer
- Demonstrate ongoing learning
2. Dispensing medicines
- Manage the dispensing process
- Adheres to legal and ethical requirements of UAE prescriptions
- Promote and contribute to the optimal use of medicines
- Communicate effectively
- Provide clinical and pharmaceutical services
- Provide medicines and health information and education
3. Manage work issues and relationships
- Manage work
- Manage problems
- Communicate effectively in the workplace
- Work effectively with others
4. Clinical competence
- Clinical governance
- Continuing professional development (CPD)
- Health and safety
- Prescribing guidelines
- Code of ethics
- Environmental protection
- Consumer and Data protection
- Evidence-based practice
- Action and uses of drugs
- Quality Assurance
- Responding to adverse drug reactions
- Triage
- Adverse effects of medicines
- Drug interactions
- Counseling requirements
- Optimising patients’ drug therapy
- Health promotion and disease prevention
- Pharmaceutical Calculations
Subscription Packages
Package | Duration | Price (£) |
15-Day Access | 15 Days | 105 GBP |
One Month | 1 Month | 160 GBP |
Two Months | 2 Months | 220 GBP |
Three Months | 3 Months | 330 GBP |
Six Months | 6 Months | 500 GBP |
Twelve Months | 12 Months | 600 GBP |
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Pre Mock HAAD Exam
1- Ethical Practice Self-Management
- Principles of Biomedical Ethics
- Ethical Dilemmas In Delivery of Patient-Centred Care
- Ethical Dilemmas In the COVID-19 Pandemics
- Pharmacist Ethical Code
- Bioethics Definition
2- Commitment to Quality | Medication Management
- Medication Management and Use
- ESR “Essential Safety Requirements”
- Medication Errors
- Adverse Drug Reactions
- Pharmacovigilance
3- Medication Safety
- Medication Safety Among International Organization
- Medication Safety Terms
- Quality Improvement (Six Sigma, Lean, Kaizen)
- Pharmacist as a Leader
4- Medicine and Health Information
- PICO Question Examples
- Drug Information, and Electronic Resources
- Top 10 Ethical and Legal Issues in Drug Information
- Basics of Biostatistics
- Clinical Application of Biostatistics
- Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluation
- Phases of Clinical Trials
- The 7 Tips for Managing a DIC
- Drug Information Medical Resources Case Studies
- Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
5- Evidence-Based Medicine | Research
- Introduction of EBM
- Evidence-Based Practice learning Series: Ask, Acquire, and Appraise
- Evidence-Based Practice learning Series: Apply, and Assess
- 7 Steps of the Research Process
- How to Write a Research Plan?
- The 12 Types of the Research Design
- Types of Data Collections
- Ethical Issues in Clinical Research
- Guideline for Writing the Research Proposal
- Clinical Practice Guidelines Tools & Resources E-Book
6- Patient Health Education
- Prescription Drugs Vs. OTC Drugs
- OTC Regulations and Guidelines
- 10 Over-the-Counter Medication Safety Patients Tips
- The 10 Over-the-Counter Medication Safety Pharmacist Prescribing Tips
- Pharmacist Role for The proper Selection OTC Products
- Key Pharmacists Counseling Reminders to Patients OTC Products
- The The 7 Steps to Consider in Clinical Reasoning
- The Differential Diagnosis – an example
- Essential Guide to Community Pharmacy Practice
- OARS Model Essential Communication Skills
7- Physiology | Immunology | Microbiology
- Microbiology Introduction
- Gram-Positive Vs. Gram-Negative Bacteria
- Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Interpretation (MIC)
- Summarized Bacterial Types
- Pocket Guide for Antibiotic Pharmacotherapy E-Book
- Info-graphics
- Physiology Vs. Pathophysiology
- Types of Immunity
- Types of Antibody
- The 4 Types of Hypersensitivity Reactions
8- Pharmacology
- Pharmacology Vs. Clinical pharmacology
- Penicillin
- Cephalosporins
- Fluoroquinolones
- Polymyxins
- Tetracyclines
- Aminoglycosides
- Fluoroquinolones
- Sulfonamides
- FADIC Clinical Pharmacology Cards Quick Guide
9- Toxicology | Antidote
- Toxicology, Antidote and types of Toxicity
- Adverse effects Vs Side effects & Contraindication Types
- Drug-Drug Interaction
- Acetaminophen Toxicity
- Heparin Toxicity
- Methotrexate Toxicity
- Medicines Side Effects
10- Pharmacognosy | Dietary Supplements
- Types of Vitamins
- Vitamin B1 – B2 – B3
- Vitamin B5 – B6 – B7
- Vitamin B9 – B12 – C
- Vitamin A – D
- Vitamin E – K
- How Do Pharmacists Use & Recommend Vitamins?
- Vitamins Patient Counseling & Education
- Vitamin Case-Based Approach
- Info-graphics
11- Pharmacotherapy | Part 1
- What is Pharmacotherapy?
- Heart Failure
- Anti-arrhythmia
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Dyslipidemia
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Pharmacotherapy in Special Populations
- Role of Pharmacist-led Pharmacotherapy
- Info-graphics
12- Clinical Science | Part 2
- General Communication Tips with CNS Disorders and Depression
- Insomnia Patient Counseling
- Anxiety Patient Counseling
- Headaches Patient Counseling
- Epilepsy Patient Counseling
- GAD & PD
- PTSD and OCD
- REMS in Psychiatry
- The Most Popular Contraceptive Drugs
13- Vaccines | Immunization
- Active Vs Passive Immunity | Vaccines
- Vaccine Types: Inactivated Vs Live Attenuated
- Vaccines: Contraindications & Adverse Effects
- Vaccines Consideration in Special Population
- Vaccines Storage
- Vaccinations Needed Before You Travel & Hajj
- Saudi MOH and CDC Immunization Schedules
- Influenza Vs COVID-19 Vaccines
- Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs
- Vaccines Questions – Answers
14- Pharmaceutical Calculations for Pharmaceutical preparations
- Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Calculations
- Drug Instability Causes
- Drug Administration Route
- A Simple Guide for Drug Calculation
- Equivalent Dose – Drug Conversions Unit
- Drug Concentration Units
- Percentage Calculations
- Dosage Calculations of Drug
- Pharmacokinetic Equations and Calculations
- How To Think Systematically In Calculations?
15-Pharmacokinetics | Pharmacodynamics | Pharmacogenomics
- Pharmacokinetics Vs. Clinical Pharmacokinetics
- Role of Pharmacist in Clinical Pharmacokinetic Monitoring
- Basics of Pharmacokinetics
- Basics of Pharmacodynamics
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring List (E-Booklets)
- Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
- Gene Expression and Regulation
- Example of Pharmacogenomic Drug Testing
- Info graphics
16- Sterile Vs Non-Sterile Compounding
- Medication Storage
- Pharmacy Practice Management
- Compounding Sterile Preparations (IV Preparation)
- Total Parenteral Nutrition “TPN”
- Evaluation of Medication Appropriateness
17- Pharmacoepidemiology | Economics
- The Importance of Pharmacoeconomics
- Cost-Minimization Analysis
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cost-Utility Analysis
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Pharmacoeconomic Role of Pharmacists
- Application of Clinical Pharmacoeconomics
- Pharmacoepidemiology definition
- Primary Vs. Secondary Data Collection Sources
- Pharmacoepidemiology in Pharmacy Practice
18- Professional Development
- Professional Development – Part 1
- Professional Development – Part 2
- Professional Development – Part 3
19- Maintain the Pharmacy Practice
- Community Pharmacy Practice
- Hospital Pharmacy Practice
- Clinical Pharmacy Practice
- Achievements in Pharmacy Practice
- 7 Habits for the Highly Effective Pharmacy Students
20- HAAD Last Minutes Review
- FADIC Vitamins E- Guide Book
- HAAD Pharmacy Made Easy
- Drug Information Flashcards E- Book
- Clinical Practice Guidelines Tools & Resources E-Book
- The Black Box Warning Medications List
- How to Answer MCQs Questions
- Clinical Pharmacology Cards Quick Guide from FADIC
- Pharmacy Regulations
- HAAD Books Library
- HAAD Pharmacy Revision Guide
21- HAAD Flashcards
- HAAD Flashcards 1
- HAAD Flashcards 2
- HAAD Flashcards 3
- HAAD Flashcards 4
- HAAD Flashcards 5
22- HAAD Practice Tests
- Mock Test 1
- Mock Test 2
- Mock Test 3
- Mock Test 4
- Mock Test 5
- Mock Test 6
- Mock Test 7
- Mock Test 8
- Mock Test 9
- Mock Test 10
23- Pharmacotherapy Clinical Mock Cases
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 1
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 2
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 3
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 4
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 5
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 6
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 7
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 8
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 9
- Pharmacotherapy Mock Test 10
24- Post HAAD Mock Tests
Your Certificate
- And Finally, Your Certificate…
25. SPLE Updates
790 USD
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