Module 1: Drug Information Resources
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8 Weeks

Course Project


English Slides with Arabic Speaking

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Module 1: Drug Information Resources

Sessions Objectives

1. Introduction and history of Drug Information

  • Define the drug information concepts and basics.
  • Illustrate the history of drug information globally.
  • Review the traditional pharmacy definition before and now.
  • Explain FADIC scientific goals of drug information
  • Understand how to maintain drug information between different organizations.

2. How to formulate an answerable question?

  • Describe the importance of drug information centers in the evolution of pharmacy practice.
  • Define Evidence Based Medicine.
  • Learn how to formulate a Clinical Question using PICO Format.
  • Describe the skills needed by pharmacists to perform medication information functions

3. Systematic | Structural Approach for Answering a Drug Information Request

  • You will be able to know the difference between the systematic approach and the modified systematic approach
  • The 7 steps involved in the modified systematic approach.
  • Use the modified systematic approach in answering drug information questions
  • The ability to effectively answer questions posed by health care professionals and the lay public

4. Drug Information, and Electronic Resources

  • Understand different types of the resources
  • Determine the difference between different types of the resources
  • List important types of resources, for the professionals, and for the consumers
  • Discuss different medical and pharmacy resources.

5. Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

  • Describe different types of statistics.
  • Understand the Visual Methods of Describing Data
  • Explain the nnumerical methods of describing data: Measures of central tendency
  • Define the numerical methods of describing data: Measures of Data Spread or Variability

6. Clinical Application of Biostatistics

  • Describe the importance of understanding statistics in completing and evaluating scientific studies.
  • Define the various levels of data.
  • Determine whether the appropriate statistics have been performed and provided in a study.
  • Interpret the statistical results provided in a research study to determine whether the authors’ conclusions are supported

7. Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluation and Phases

  • Explain reasons why pharmacists need the skills to locate and
  • Evaluate current information for pharmaceutical care activities.
  • Describe the special characteristics of clinical trial that distinguish this research design for clinical research.
  • Identify Internet websites to register controlled clinical trials
  • Discuss methods to identify the potential, and conclusions.
  • Differentiate between internal and external validity.
  • Identify key information presented in sections of a clinical trial.
  • Discuss needs for well-defined study objective, randomization, and blinding within a clinical trial.

8. Journal Review & Journal Club Presentation

  • State the guidelines for reviewing a journal article.
  • List the important aspects when examining a manuscript and write the review.
  • List of components of both a research and review paper.
  • Describe the standard format of the journal articles.
  • Discuss the results of the study and clearly specify the limitation.
  • Describe how to prepare a review article.
  • Describe how to correctly cite an article in a bibliography.
  • State author guidelines for publications in journals.

Duration: 8 Weeks 

  • Drug Information Fellowship Navigation Guide  1

    • How to Effectively Learn this Course?
  • W1- Introduction and history of Drug Information  2

    • 1.1. Introduction of Drug Information (Video 54:42)
    • 1.2. Workshop 1 – Module 1 (Quiz 60:00)
  • W2- How to formulate an answerable question?  2

    • 2.1. How to formulate an answerable question? (Video 01:09:13)
    • 2.2. Workshop 2 – Module 1 (Quiz 60:00)
  • W3- Systematic | Structural Approach for Answering a Drug Information Request  2

    • 3.1. Systematic Approach Drug Information Request (Video 45:10)
    • 3.2. Workshop 3 – Module 1 (Quiz 60:00)
  • W4- Drug Information, and Electronic Resources  2

    • 4.1. Drug Information Electronic Resources (Video 42:38)
    • 4.2. Workshop 4 – Module 1 (Quiz 60:00)
  • W5- Descriptive and Inferential Statistics  9

    • 5.1. Introduction of Biostatistics (Video 27:51)
    • 5.2. Types of Data (Video 19:16)
    • 5.3. Descriptive and Inferential Statistics (Video 26:55)
    • 5.4. Population Distribution (Video 22:38)
    • 5.5. Types of Statistical Errors (Video 30:05)
    • 5.6. Statistical Hypothesis Testing (Article)
    • 5.6. Statistical Tests Case Studies (Video 23:23)
    • 5.8. Statistical Significance (Video 29:10)
    • 5.10. Workshop 5 – Module 1 (Quiz 60:00)
  • W6- Clinical Application of Biostatistics  8

    • 6.1. Correlation and Regression (Video 22:27)
    • 6.2. Survival Analysis (Video 12:15)
    • 6.3. Biostatistics and Research (Video 16:51)
    • 5.4. Biostatistics Cases (Video 17:55)
    • 5.5. Application of Biostatistics (Video 30:50)
    • 5.6. Graphs Used in Biostatistics (Video 24:26)
    • 5.7. Biostatistics Resources (Video 12:50)
    • 5.8. Workshop 6 – Module 1 (Quiz 60:00)
  • W7- Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluation and Phases  11

    • 7.1. Introduction of Clinical Trial (Video 08:41)
    • 7.2. Literature Evaluation (Video 20:06)
    • 7.3. Content of Clinical Trials (Video 26:41)
    • 7.4. Experimental Study Design (Video 07:44)
    • 7.5. Internal & External Validity (Video 09:59)
    • 7.6. Biases and Confounding (Video 08:11)
    • 7.7. Incidence & Prevalence (Video 11:38)
    • 7.8. Top 10 Clinical Trial Websites (Video 08:28)
    • 7.9. Phases of Clinical Trials (Video 15:42)
    • 7.10. Phase 4 and Conclusion (Video 22:05)
  • W8- Journal Review & Journal Club Presentation  1

    • 8.1. Journal Review (Video 2:08:38)
  • W9- Final Project of Module 1  1

    • 9.1. Final Project of Module 1 (Quiz 60:00)


  • Lessons 39
  • Language English Slides with Arabic Speaking
  • Duration 8 Weeks
  • Language English
  • Open 2021