Module 3: Evidence-based Medicine and Research Methodology

Sessions Objectives
1. Introduction of EBM
- Discuss Importance of EBM on Research
- Learn Five Steps in EBM
- Learn Sources of Clinical Questions
- Learn PICO Electronic Resources
- Discuss Foreground Vs. Background” Questions
2. EBM Series
- Learn the Evidence-Based Practice learning Series: The 5A’s Steps of EBM.
- Summarize the steps in EBM series.
- Know the Barriers to implementing the EBM.
- Describe the advice strategies to overcome these barriers.
- Learn how to assess your performance in EBM cycle.
3. Critical Appraisal of Systematic Review
- Know the types of the study design
- Identify the difference between narrative review, and systematic review
- Describe all fundamental concepts of the meta-analysis
- Know the development of PRISMA.
- Learn how to appraise any systematics review
- Take example of the appraisal of systematic review of the probiotics in prevention of infection.
4. Clinical Research Methodology
- Determine how to write an effective research plan.
- Identify the characteristics of the Research design.
- Provide an overview about the types of study designs.
- Discuss how to select the suitable study design.
- Identify the guidelines for research data collection.
- Discuss how to apply the ethical considerations on clinical research.
- Identify the guideline for writing the research protocol
5. Research Writing Guide
- Determine the Step-by-Step Procedure to Reference Management Software.
- Illustrate the Standard reporting of clinical research using EQUATOR network guidelines.
- Describe the FADIC Toolkit for writing research.
- Discuss how to prepare your manuscript on the uniform requirements of ICMJEs.
- Identify the most common mistakes in scientific writing
6. How to Write the Journal Submission Cover Letter
- Learn how to write the journal submission cover letter
- Understand how to share in national or international conferences, and write your abstract
- Discuss how to write a book: from start to finish “Book Writing Guide”
- Identify the authorship guidelines for journals
- Determine how to become an effective reviewer
- Main Points of a Conference Abstract
- Title
- The Problem
- Purpose
- Methods
- Conclusion
- Funding
- Reference
7. A Guide to Becoming an Effective Writer
- Learn about The Most 11 Common Grammatical Errors We All Need to Stop Making
- Determine how to use Use contractions
- Write with simple language
- Use the active voice
- Be clear and concise
- Use short sentences and paragraphs
- Cut fluffy words from your writing
- Adhere to a style guide
- Use “you” and “your”
- Avoid jargon
- Don’t be snarky
- Use Spell Check
8. How to Write Content for Social Media
- Learn about Content creation is the process of generating topic ideas that appeal to your buyer persona.
- Discuss Effective content is writing that engages, entertains, and, most of all, achieves your business goals
Duration: 8 Weeks
W1- Introduction of EBM
- 1.1. Ask a Clinical Question Using PICO (Video 33:12)
- 1.2. PICO Electronic Resources (Video 28:37)
- 1.3. Tips for Framing the PICO (Infographic)
- 1.4. FADIC PICO Worksheet and Search Strategy (Booklet)
- 1.5. FADIC Evidence-Based Library (Books)
- 1.6. FADIC Library for Medical Resources (Books)
- 1.7. Project 1 (Quiz 60:00)
W2- EBM Series
- 2.1. Ask, Acquire, and Appraise (Video 18:36)
- 2.2. Apply, and Assess (Video 23:36)
- 2.3. Project 2 (Quiz 60:00)
W3- Critical Appraisal of Systematic Review
- 3.1. Systematic Review & Meta-analysis? (Video 34:33)
- 3.2. Steps in the Systematic Review Process (Video 34:33)
- 3.3. Critical Appraisal of Systematic Review (Video 27:35)
- 3.4. Systematic Review (Worksheet)
- 3.5. Systematic Review Guide (Worksheet)
- 3.6. Summary of EBM for Systematic Review (Infographic)
- 3.7. Example of Systematic Review Appraisal (Video 34:30)
- 3.8. Project 3 (Quiz 60:00)
W4- Clinical Research Methodology
- 4.1. How to Write a Research Plan? (Video 18:12)
- 4.2. 12 Types of Research Design (Video 17:12)
- 4.3. Types of Data Collections (Video 21:00)
- 4.4. Published Research Papers (Video 14:05)
- 4.5. Ethical Issues in Clinical Research (Video 06:08)
- 4.6. Guideline for Writing the Research Proposal (Video 13:05)
- 4.7. Project 4 (Quiz 60:00)
W5- Research Writing Guide
- 5.1. How to Write Manuscript (Video 36:26)
- 5.2. Common Mistakes in Scientific Writing (Video 26:44)
- 5.3. Standard Reporting of Clinical Research (Video 09:07)
- 5.4. Reference Management Software (Video 18:08)
- 5.5. FADIC Toolkit for Writing Research (Article)
- 5.6. Project 5 (Quiz 60:00)
W6- How to Write the Journal Submission Cover Letter
- 6.1. Journal Submission Cover Letter (Video 23:54)
- 6.2. Book Writing Guide (Video 20:54)
- 6.3. Write a Conference Abstract (Video 24:38)
- 6.4. Book Review Process (Video 09:17)
- 6.5. Author Guidelines (Video 07:18)
- 6.6. Guide for Writing Reviews (Video 27:33)
- 6.7. Project 6 (Quiz 60:00)
W7- A Guide to Becoming an Effective Writer
- 7.1. A Guide to Becoming an Effective Writer (Video 34:04)
- 7.2. 11 Grammatical Errors Need to Stop Making (Video 20:51)
- 7.3. Long-Term Content Strategy Plan (Video 26:33)
- 7.4. Long-Term Content Plan Look Like (Video 13:28)
- 7.5. Project 7 (Quiz 60:00)
W8- How to Write Content for Social Media
- 8.1. Content Creation Framework (Video 18:53)
- 8.2. Content Writing “Reviewing & Editing” (Video 13:30)
- 8.3. Resources to Build a Content Creation Framework (Video 29:00)
- 8.4. Habits of Highly Effective Writers (Video 12:47)
- 8.5. Write Content for Social Media (Video 15:31)
- 8.6. Project 8 (Quiz 60:00)
W9- Final Project of Module 3
- 9.1. Final Project – Module 3 (Quiz 60:00)