Module 5: Antimicrobial Policy and Guidelines
W1- UK Report for 2050 of Antimicrobial Resistance and Need for Antimicrobial Stewardship
- 1.1. Alexander Fleming Nobel Prize (Video 17:45)
- 1.2. UK Report for 2050 Mortality of Antimicrobial Resistance (Video 16:10)
- 1.3. History of Antimicrobial Stewardship (Video 13:20)
- 1.4. Goals of Antimicrobial Stewardship (Video 23:07)
- 1.5. Systematic Thinking in Potentially Infected Patients (Video 07:37)
- 1.6. Antimicrobial Stewardship Algorithms (Video 07:01)
- 1.7. Descriptive Study in Antimicrobial Stewardship (Video 38:15)
- 1.8. Project 1 (Quiz 60:00)
W2- Multidrug-Resistant Organisms | Antibiotic Threads, Detection, Epidemiology, and Management
- 2.1. Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (Video 32:43)
- 2.2. MIC Interpretation (Video 32:53)
- 2.3. Gram-Positive Vs. Gram-Negative (Video 16:25)
- 2.4. Project 2 (Quiz 60:00)
W3- Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics for Clinician
- 3.1. Antimicrobial Pharmacokinetics for Clinicians (Video 24:19)
- 3.2. Antimicrobial Pharmacodynamics for Clinicians (Video 20:00)
- 3.3. Project 3 (Quiz 60:00)
W4- Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
- 4.1. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (Video 04:03)
- 4.2. Sinusitis (Video 34:27)
- 4.3. Pharyngitis (Video 12:56)
- 4.4. Influenza (Video 22:49)
- 4.5. Project 4 (Quiz 60:00)
W5- Lower Respiratory Tract Infection
- 5.1. URTIs Vs. LRTIs (Video 07:16)
- 5.2. Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (Video 20:07)
- 5.3. Treatment of CAP (Video 15:06)
- 5.4. Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (Video 12:13)
- 5.5. Multidrug Resistance Organisms (Video 06:13)
- 5.6. Role of Pharmacist in LRTI (Video 11:34)
- 5.7. Project 5 (Quiz 60:00)
W6- Urinary Tract Infection
- 6.1. Acute Pyelonephritis (Video 23:10)
- 6.2. Acute cystitis (Video 32:03)
- 6.3. Pathogenesis of Urinary Tract Infections (Video 32:13)
- 6.4. Project 6 (Quiz 60:00)
W7- Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
- 7.1. SSTI (Impetigo, Erysipelas, and Cellulitis) (Video 36:25)
- 7.2. SSTI (Necrotizing fasciitis, and Diabetic foot infection) (Video 39:45)
- 7.3. Antimicrobial Stewardship in SSTI (Video 28:49)
- 7.4. Project 7 (Quiz 60:00)
W8- Role of Pharmacist in Committee Meetings
- 8.1. AS Committee Term of Reference (Video 35:48)
- 8.3. Project 8 (Quiz 60:00)
W9- Stewardship Policy & Guidelines
- 9.1. Write the Antibiotic Policy & Guidelines? (Article)
- 9.2. Antibiotic Policy Vs Antibiotic Guidelines (Video 15:03)
- 9.3. Role of Multidisciplinary Antibiotic Stewardship Team (Video 17:29)
- 9.4. Approach for Developing Hospital Antibiotic Guidelines (Video 30:18)
- 9.5. Draft Reviews in Antibiotic Guidelines (Video 07:26)
- 9.6. Examples of Antibiotic Policy and Guidelines (Video 08:54)
- 9.7. Policy for Good Antibiotic Prescribing Practice (Video 11:31)
- 9.8. Antibiotic Stewardship Book and Mobile Application (Video 10:58)
- 9.9. A Pocket Guide to Antibiotic Prescribing (Video 07:58)
- 9.10. Final Project of Module 5 (Quiz 60:00)