Module 6: Teaching and Learning | Preceptorship and Mentorship
Sessions Objectives
1. Planning & Preparing for Teaching
- Planning and preparing for teaching
- Identify the difference between Learning Outcome and Learning Objective.
- Determine the elements of learning outcomes.
- Writing the objectives.
- Understand the examples from the practice
- Compare the example with real life practice with literature.
2. Basic Principle of Effective Teaching
- Describe basic concepts related to new pharmacy education strategies
- Develop basic strategies for planning, implementing and assessing educational experiences structured to achieve proper outcomes.
- Clarify one’s own purposes, goals, and philosophy for teaching in pharmacy practice.
3. 7 Habits for the Highly Effective Pharmacy Students
- At the End of the session you will learn how to:
o Be Proactive.
o Begin with the End in Mind.
o Put First Things First.
o Think Win-Win
o Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
o Synergize
o Sharpen the Saw
4. Ethical Dilemmas In the COVID-19 Pandemics and Patient-Centred Care
- Discuss the principles of the biomedical ethics
- Provide the role of the pharmacists in the ethical dilemma.
- Discuss how the pharmacists provide an ethics in patient-centred care
- Introduce the crucial role of the pharmacist in the COVID-19 dillema.
5. OARS Model Essential Communication Skills
- Learn about a skills-based model of interactive techniques
- Discuss the OARS Model which includes four basic skills
- Know the Purposes of OARS Model
6. Pharmacist as a Leader
- Identify the 7 Habits for the Highly Effective Pharmacist leaders.
- Learn how to be:
o Be Proactive.
o Begin with the End in Mind.
o Put First Things First.
o Think Win-Win
o Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
o Synergize
o Sharpen the Saw - Where 7 habits of highly effective people come in?
7. Professional Development
- Identify opportunities to incorporate self‐directed learning activities into coursework that reflect the importance of
- lifelong learning for patient care. Discuss potential strategies to model lifelong learning with students in didactic or experiential coursework.
- Describe planning and implementation of an example APPE self‐directed learning activity to teach lifelong learning
- Develop a personal plan for implementing a learning activity for didactic or experiential education that models lifelong learning for students
8. Maintain the Pharmacy Practice
- Know more about Pharmacy Practice.
- Discuss the Community Pharmacy Practice.
- Learn more about the hospital pharmacy practice.
- Understand the Clinical pharmacy practice.
- Discuss the special situation of pharmacy practice.
- Know more about the pharmacy practice real role models.
Duration: 8 Weeks
W1- Planning & Preparing for Teaching
- 1.1. Writing Your Teaching Philosophy (Video 06:11)
- 1.2. Strategies For Effective Teaching (Video 13:12)
- 1.3. Aligning Education With Mission of Pharmacy Practice (Video 11:42)
- 1.4. Project 1 (Quiz 60:00)
W2- Ethical Dilemmas In the COVID-19 Pandemics and Patient-Centred Care
- 2.1. Principles of Biomedical Ethics (Video 22:56)
- 2.2. Ethical Dilemmas In Delivery of Patient-Centred Care (Video 08:26)
- 2.3. Ethical Dilemmas In the COVID-19 Pandemics (Video 10:37)
- 2.4. Pharmacist Ethical Code (Video 12:59)
- 2.5. Bioethics Definition (Video 07:58)
- 2.6. Project 2 (Quiz 60:00)
W3- OARS Model Essential Communication Skills
- 3.1. OA – OARS Model Essential Communication Skills (Video 11:29)
- 3.2. RS – OARS Model Essential Communication Skills (Video 11:42)
W4- Professional Development
- 4.1. Professional Development – Part 1 (Video 08:51)
- 4.2. Professional Development – Part 2 (Video 10:11)
- 4.3. Professional Development – Part 3 (Video 14:06)
- 4.4. Project 4 (Quiz 60:00)
W5- Maintain the Pharmacy Practice
- 5.1. Community Pharmacy Practice (Video 09:10)
- 5.2. Hospital Pharmacy Practice (Video 10:24)
- 5.3. Clinical Pharmacy Practice (Video 08:34)
- 5.4. Achievements in Pharmacy Practice (Video 13:38)
- 5.5. Project 5 (Quiz 60:00)
W6- 7 Habits for the Highly Effective Pharmacy Students
- 6.1. Pharmacist as a Leader (Video 17:03)
- 6.2. 7 Habits for the Highly Effective Pharmacy Students (Video 18:21)
W7- Final Project of the Drug Information Fellowship
- 7.1. Final Project of the Drug Information Fellowship (Quiz 60:00)
Your Certificate
- And Finally, Your Certificate…