Patient Education: Nano Degree Certification Online Course
Introduction of Patient Education Certification:
- Safe and effective drug therapy depends on patients being informed about their medication.
- Most pharmacists in community pharmacies and hospitals have not been educated and trained for counselling and have remained mainly as prescription fillers or dispensers.
- As a result, many patients do not get enough information about their medication use, including how and when to take the drug, how long to take it, and what to do if side effects occur or a dose is missed.
- Lack of information may lead to therapeutic failure, adverse effects, additional expenditure o, orn investigations and treatment or even hospitalisation.
Definition of Patient Education:
- Patient Education refers to the process of providing information, advice and assistance to help patients use their medications appropriately.
- According to USP, medication education is an approach that focuses on enhancing the problem-solving skills of the patients to improve or maintain the quality of health and quality of life.
- The information is usually given verbally but may be supplemented with written materials.
- During Patient Education Nano Degree Certificate, the pharmacist should assess the patient’s understanding of their illness and treatment.
- In addition to providing individualised advice and information will assist the patient in taking their medication most safely and effectively.
- To provide accurate advice and information, the pharmacist should be familiar with the pathophysiology and therapeutics of the patient’s disease.
Objectives of Patient Educator Nano Degree Certification:
- Provide good communication skills are needed to gain the patient’s confidence and patient counselling.
- It is essential to help motivate the patient to adhere to the recommended regimen.
- Introduce an effective patient counselling aims to produce the following results:
- a Better patient understanding of their illness and the role of medication in its treatment.
- Improve medication adherence
- More effective drug treatment
- Reduced incidence of adverse effects and unnecessary healthcare costs.
- Improved quality of life for the patient.
- Better coping strategies to deal with medication-related adverse effects.
- Improved professional rapport between the patient and the pharmacist.
Target Audience of Patient Education Nano Degree Certificate:
- Pharm D, residency
- Graduated pharmacists
- All Pharmacists (Hospital, Community, Retail and Clinical Pharmacists).
- Pharmacist Technicians
- Student Pharmacists (3rd, 4th and 5th year)
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If you have any inquiry, please contact WhatsApp.
1. Patient Education Guidelines
- General Guidelines for Patient Counseling
- How Pharmacist Promotes Patient Counseling?
- Providing Plain Health Information
- Patient Counseling Library
- Project 1
2. Respiratory Medication Education
- Asthma Patient Counseling
- COPD Patient Counseling
- Respiratory Patient Case Scenarios
- Project 2
3. CNS Patient Education
- General Communication Tips with CNS Disorders and Depression
- Insomnia Patient Counseling
- Headaches Patient Counseling
- Anxiety Patient Counseling
- Epilepsy Patient Counseling
- GAD & PD
- PTSD and OCD
- REMS in Psychiatry
- Project 3
4. Dermatology Patient Education
- Heat Rash, Chickenpox, Herpes Zoster, Tinea, Onychomycosis, and Boils
- Acne, Atopic dermatitis, Dandruff, Dry Skin, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis
- Top 5 Dermatology Medication Counseling
- The Role of Pharmacists for Dermatology Patient
- Project 4
5. Antibiotic Patient Education
- Gram Positive Vs Gram Negative
- Selection of Antimicrobial Drugs
- Penicillin Allergy & Counseling
- Cephalosporin Counseling
- Vancomycin
- Tetracycline
- Tigecycline
- Macrolides
- Aminoglycosides
- Fluoroquinolones
6. Medication Therapy Management
- Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
- Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM)
- Chronic Conditions: Management and Counseling
- Black Box Warning Medications List
- Project 6
7. OTC Policy and Guidelines
- Prescription Drugs Vs OTC Drugs
- OTC Regulations and Guidelines
- The 10 Over-the-Counter Medication Safety Patients Tips
- The 10 Over-the-Counter Medication Safety Pharmacist Prescribing Tips
- Medicine in my home
- How To Ensure The Safety of OTC Products
- OTC Educational Resources
- List of OTC Among the Global
- FADIC E-library for OTC (Books)
- Project 7
8. Pharmacist as an OTC Prescriber
- Pharmacist Role for proper selection OTC products
- Key Pharmacists Counseling Reminders to Patients Using OTC Products
- Evidence-based OTC Prescribing
- The 7 Steps to Consider in Clinical Reasoning
- Differential Diagnosis – an example
- Essential Guide to Community Pharmacy Practice
- Pharmacist as an OTC Prescriber
- Project 8
9. Top Symptoms in the Pharmacy
- Pathophysiology of Headache
- Treatment of Headache
- OTC Oral Analgesics-NSAIDs-Acetaminophen- and Aspirin Selection
- Assessment of Headache- A Case-Based Approach
- Tension Type Vs Migraine Vs Sinus Headaches
- The Role of Pharmacist with Headache Patient
- Project 9 – Part 1
- Common cold and Flu
- Sore throat
- Cough
10. Vitamins Patient Education
- Types of Vitamins
- Vitamin B1- B2- B3
- Vitamin B5 – B6 – B7
- Vitamin B9- B12- C
- Vitamin A- D
- Vitamin E-K
- How Pharmacist use & Recommend Vitamins
- Vitamin Patient Counseling & Education
- Vitamin Case-Based Approach
- Project 10
11. Role of Pharmacist-led Pharmacotherapy
- What is Pharmacotherapy?
- Heart Failure
- Anti-arrhythmia
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Dyslipidemia
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Pharmacotherapy in Special Populations
- Role of Pharmacist-led Pharmacotherapy
- Info-graphics
12. Vaccines and Immunization
- Active Vs Passive Immunity | Vaccines
- Vaccine Types: Inactivated Vs Live Attenuated
- Vaccines: Administration & Precautions
- Vaccines: Contraindications & Adverse Effects
- Vaccines Consideration in Special Population
- Vaccines Storage
- Vaccinations Needed Before You Travel & Hajj
- Saudi MOH and CDC Immunization Schedules
- Influenza Vs COVID-19 Vaccines
- Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs
13. Webinars
- OARS Model Essential Communication Skills
14. FADIC Prescriptions
- FADIC Prescriptions – حمل الآن كتاب فادك للروشتات الطبية
15. Drug Information Flash Cards
- FADIC Drug Information Flash Cards
16: Medication Counseling Cases
- Ventolin (Salbutamol)
- Adalimumab (Humira)
- Hymox (Amoxicillin)
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Eczema (Bepanthen)
17. Final Patient Counseling Project
- Take-Home Messages for Patient Counseling
- Final Project of the Patient Counseling
Your Certificate
- And Finally, Your Certificate…
790 USD
360 USD
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