Symptoms in the Pharmacy Mini-Course
- This guide to clinical management for the practicing pharmacist and trainee has been thoroughly revised videos to reflect the availability of new OTC drugs and changes in indication.
- The commentary from the pharmacist for each clinical problem continues to provide an interesting and refreshing approach.
Objectives of this course:
1. Identify the common illness in the pharmacy
2. Discuss how to treat these illness
3. Learn medication management, patient counseling and education for these illness and medications.
If you have any inquiry, please contact WhatsApp.
Symptoms in the Pharmacy
- Fever | علاج الحمي
- Headache | علاج الصداع
- علاج الكحة | Cough
- الفيتامينات | Vitamin Education
- تعرف علي أنواع التطعيمات | Vaccines
- COVID19 VS Flu | الفرق بين اعراض البرد و الانفلونزا و فيروس كورونا
- Final Project
- And Finally, Your Certificate…
70 USD
60 USD
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