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FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting
Day 1 – of FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting
Day 2 – of FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting
Day 3 – of FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting
Day 4 – of FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting
Download Now The Brochure of The Conference, from this LINK
Day 1 – Thursday – December 12, 2019
Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam
- FADIC Welcome and Keynote Address
Dr. Taher Hegab
- The Personal and Interpersonal Leadership Development
Dr. Hashem Alsaab
- (كيف يحصل الصيدلي علي براءه اختراع)
Patentscope in: The method of treatment of solid tumors containing hypoxia and/or stroma feature
Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam
- Basic Principles for Effective Teaching and Learning
Dr. Amal Al-Najjar
- How to Plan for Effective Teaching?
Dr. Heba Matar
- Why Do Therapeutic Drug Monitoring?
Dr. Mustafa Galal
- The Impact of Teamwork in Today’s Healthcare Organization
Day 2 – Friday – December 13, 2019
Dr. Amal Al-Najjar
- Pharmacist Inhibited Clinical Career Skills
Dr. Abrar Thabit
- Antibiotic Stewardship in Acute Care: A Practical Guide
Dr. Fatma Elzahraa
- A Guide for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Outpatient Settings
Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam
- All from A to Z Antimicrobial Stewardship Metrics: Quantitative vs. Qualitative
Dr. Debbie Goff
- Antibiotic Stewardship for Antibiotics “Just-in-Case”
Dr. Eman Mohamed
- Macro- & Micronutrients in Parenteral Nutrition: Too Little or Much?
Dr. Dave L. Dixon
- Establishing Your Digital Profile: Your Guide to LinkedIn
Day 3 – Saturday – December 14, 2019
Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam
- Quality and Safety in Pharmacy Practice
Dr. Heba Matar
- The Impact of Pharmacist-Led Medication Therapy Management on Medication Adherence
Dr. Mai Mehanna
- Integrating pharmacogenomics into clinical pharmacy practice
Dr. Mohamed Mahrous
- Current Trends in Pharmacotherapy of Breast Cancer
Dr. Eman Mohamed
- Possible Parenteral Nutrition Risks, Complications, and Management
Dr. Mustafa Galal
- Strategies to Achieve a Better Work-Life Balance
Day 4 – Sunday – December 15, 2019
Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam
- 7 Steps of Applied Research Process: Scholarship in Action
Dr. Fatma Elzahraa
- Publishing a High-Quality Paper in Scientific Journals
Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam
- Publication Strategies to Enhance Visibility, Impact, and Citations
Dr. Mohamed Mahrous
- Drug-Induced Thrombocytopenia
Dr. Ahmed Essam
- Management& Drug Dosing in Acute Liver& Liver Cirrhosis Complication
Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam
- Human of FADIC Celebration – End of Conference
FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting Agenda
Meet the Speakers
BCPS - AQ (ID), CPHQ, TQM (AUC), Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam is a CEO of FADIC. She was in Tanta university hospital, Egypt. In 2013, she received TQM from American university, BCPS, CPHQ, and M.Sc. of Clinical Pharmacy. She received certification from SIDP. She obtained the add qualification from American board in infectious disease. Leaded MM CBAHI Saudi accreditation. Established stewardship committee, and implementation in MCH, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.Dr. Rasha Abdelsalam
Master & Diploma of clinical pharmacy.
Quantitative Research Certification.
Antimicrobial Stewardship Certification/SIDP.
Item Writing American Board of Infectious Disease.
Reviewer for PSAP ID 2018 Series
She shared in item exam writing for BCIDP Exam. She shared as a reviewer in infectious diseases PSAP, IDSAP, authorship of ACCP Pharmacotherapy Mock Exam Book, and authorship for published around 20 papers. One paper about vision of 2030 of general pharmaceutical department in Saudi Arabia. She received teaching and learning TLC certification from ACCP academy. Moreover, consultant on personal, professional, stewardship leadership, research. Share in strategic planning; hospital accreditation; and stewardship education in the united kingdom.
PharmD, PhD, BCPS., Pharmacy Supervisor Dr. Taher Hegab
Community Regional Medical Center, Fresno CA
Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, California Health Sciences University, Clovis, CA
Dr. Dave L. Dixon
Associate Professor and Vice-Chair of Clinical Services
Department of Pharmacotherapy & Outcomes Science
Director, Center for Pharmacy Practice Innovation
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy

Dave Dixon is a 2006 graduate of Campbell University College of Pharmacy and completed a specialty residency in primary care at the Charles George VA Medical Center in Asheville, North Carolina. Currently, Dr. Dixon is an associate professor and the vice chair for clinical services at Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy. He is also the director of the VCU School of Pharmacy Center for Pharmacy Practice Innovation. Dr. Dixon currently practices at an outpatient general cardiology clinic at VCU Health and conducts research evaluating strategies to improve cardiovascular risk factor control and clinical practice guideline implementation. He is board certified in pharmacotherapy and ambulatory care pharmacy, a lipid specialist, and certified diabetes educator. Dr. Dixon has been recognized as a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, and the National Lipid Association.
Pharm.D. FIDSA, FCCP Dr. Goff is a global antibiotic stewardship advocate, Infectious Disease Specialist pharmacist and founding member of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP) at The Ohio State University (OSU) Wexner Medical Center (OSUWMC) and College of Pharmacy in Columbus Ohio USA. Dr. Goff received her Bachelor of Pharmacy and Doctor of Pharmacy degrees from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she also completed her residency. Dr. Goff is a TEDx speaker on antibiotics “just in case” there’s infection. She founded the OSU-South Africa Train-the-Trainer Antibiotic Stewardship Pharmacist Mentoring Program in 2012. She received the 2019 OSU International Outreach and Engagement Award for her work in South Africa. Dr. Goff is one of twenty-five global experts selected by the World Health Organization (WHO) to implement stewardship programs in low-middle income countries in 2020. She lectures nationally and internationally. She uses Twitter (@idpharmd) to increase global engagement, education and awareness of antibiotic resistance. Dr. Debra A. Goff
Security Forces Hospital Program-Riyadh, Department of Pharmacy, Drug & Poison Information Center Session Objectives • Planning and preparing for teaching • Identify the difference between Learning Outcome and Learning Objective. • Determine the elements of learning outcomes. Dr. Amal Hassan Salman AL-Najjar, She works at Security Forces Hospital Program-Riyadh, Department of Pharmacy, Drug & Poison Information Center. Her Education Included: 2019, August, APhA Pharmacy‐Based Cardiovascular Disease Risk Management certificate training program certificate, 2019, August, APhA’s The Pharmacist & Patient‐Centered Diabetes Care certificate training program certificate, 2014-2017, May, MSc Fronsic Toxicology, Naief Arab Security Science University, 2015, August, Diploma of Total Quality Management, From American University In Cairo, 2014, August, Barnett’s Clinical Research Assistance On-Boarding Program, Bachelor degree of pharmaceutical science from the college of pharmacy, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia , 1991. She Has a Memberships in Jordanian Pharmaceutical Society up to 2019 ,National Medical Dictionary Committee member 2018-2019, and SFH P&T Committee coordinator performing drug evaluations for pharmacy and therapeutic committee 2003-2019. Also She is a Adjunct professor at Prince Noura Bint Abdulrahman University and Adjunct professor at King Saud University, up to now Dr. Amal AL-Najjar
Bassam Aldakheel, PharmD Bassam Aldakheel, PharmD Bassam Aldakheel is the current PGY2 Critical Care Pharmacy Resident at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center (KFSH&RC). He graduated with his PharmD from Al-Qassim University in 2017. He completed his PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at King Fahad Medical City (KFMC) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. His interest includes medical and neuroscience critically ill patients, as well as pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics principle in the critically ill patient. bassamaldakheel@gmail.com – 0566120227 SKOP Group
PhD student at the Department of Translational Research,University of Florida, U.S.A Dr. Mai received her bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences in June 2010 from Misr International University in Cairo. She worked as a clinical research associate at Children’s Cancer Hospital from 2012 to 2015. Thereafter, she received a full scholarship from the Fulbright to pursue her master’s degree in Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research which she earned in May 2017 from the University of Florida, U.S. There, she studied the field of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine and her research work was focused on the role of plasma renin activity biomarker in personalizing the antihypertensive drug therapy. Recently, she received a graduate assistantship from the University of Florida in May 2018 to pursue her PhD in pharmacogenomics and precision medicine. The Objectives of sessions: Understand the importance of teamwork in Healthcare organizationsDr. Mai Mehanna
Understand Tuckman team development model
Define Qualities of an effective team
Learning, Development, and coaching consultant Dr. Mustafa Galal is a Learning, Development, and coaching consultant with diverse background in several fields like pharmaceutical, Medical, retail, education and corporate learnin gfiled,Dr. Mustafa Galal
Mostafa with exhibited many managerial roles in pharmaceutical and medical companies in the past 13 years, last appointed position was kingdom sales manager in a multinational medical company
Mostafa thrives to make maximum use of managerial and instructional skills to identify, develop, and conduct unique training solutions and organize high- end professional curriculums that achieves strategic objectives of his clients.
Through training and coaching Mostafa helps in developing professional workforce and motivated employees who can achieve maximum productivity for fast growing and sustainable businesses
Mustafa is expert in implantation of training cycle (Adult learning, TNA, course design, training delivery and training assessment). Also, using gamification and coaching during the learning experiences to achieve highest engagement and impact.
Certified associate coach by international coaching federation (ICF), Certified in learning Innovation by International Labour Organization (ILO), Certified Change Management practitioner and trainer by PROSCI US, Certified Professional Trainer by American University in Cairo (AUC)
Dr. Fatma Elzahraa Ahmed
BCPS, CPHQ, Master clinical pharmacy.Antimicrobial Stewardship Certification/SIDP

Fatma Elzahraa is a member in FADIC, where she has participated in different Programs as Clinical pharmacy lecturer (drug information program, patient counseling program, new cardiac updates course, antimicrobial stewardship program, and Evidence based medicine) for the last four years. Beside her participation as a speaker, She has experience as drug information Pharmacist. She is a frequent speaker at FADIC online conferences; she is a RPh in UAE. In 2018 June: Antimicrobial stewardship (SIDP), In 2017 May: Team STEPPS Master Trainer by (AHRQ), 2016 March: (CPHQ) by NAHQ, 2014 October: (BPCS), M.Sc. & Diploma of clinical pharmacy.
Dr. Heba-t-Allah Matar
BCPS, M.Sc. Of Clinical Pharmacy Clinical Pharmacy Diploma

Dr. Heba-t-Allah Matar has B.Sc. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Cairo University in 2007, In 2014 she become BCPS, and subsequently M.Sc. Degree in Clinical Pharmacy. She become A Member of FADIC Since December 2014, and lecturer in Drug Information Program, Antimicrobial Stewardship Program, Patient Counselling, and Cardiology Updates Program. In 2017, she joined Mandour Medical Center. Then, become Drug Information Specialist in New Cairo Hospital Since November 2018.
Senior oncology pharmacist Egypt air hospital / previously Dar el-Fouad hospital and Tanta cancer center Session 1 Objectives intro and background, pathophysiology, agents induse thrombocytopenia, ASCO guidelines in treatment . Session 2 Objectives It will be a brief intro about staging and types and correlated treatment lines and then the new trends in Pharmaco therapy and patient counseling tips for these trends. Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Mahrous is 32 years old, Has Master of clinical pharmacy from Tanta University, senior clinical oncology pharmacist Egypt Air Hospital, senior oncology pharmacist in Dar el-fouad hospital (May 2018- May 2019), senior oncology pharmacist in tanta cancer center (october 2009 – november 2016), and medication management coordinator in tanta cancer center( november 2016- april 2018 Dr. Mohamed Mahrous
Ph.D., Pharm.D., MS. Dr. Alsaab is an Assistant professor of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology department at College of Pharmacy, Taif University, Saudi Arabia. He was working in the Use-Inspired Biomaterials and Integrated Nano Delivery (U-BiND) Systems Laboratory and the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute (KCI) and completed his PhD in 2018 in Pharmaceutical sciences/Advanced Drug Delivery Systems under the mentorship of Dr. Arun Iyer from the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (EACPHS), Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA.Dr. Hashem Alsaab
He has a strong research professional with a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) from King Abdul Aziz University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. In addition, He is holding a Master of Science (M.S.) degree focused in Pharmaceutical Sciences with Industrial Pharmacy option from University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA. He has more than 7 years of extensive knowledge and research experience in pharmaceutical sciences.
He is an Experienced Research scientist with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education and clinical practice. He is skilled in Pharmaceutical sciences, Nanotechnology, Drug delivery, Immunotherapy, Cancer research, and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.
Dr. Alsaab has been involved in many innovative projects, published more than 31 peer reviewed papers and book chapters, and participated in many national and international meeting. Dr. Alsaab has a US patent entitled “Method of treatment of solid tumors containing hypoxia and/or stroma features”. Dr. Alsaab received many awards and achievements from Wayne state University, American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS), University of Toledo, and Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) for his outstanding contribution in his Master and PhD research. Dr. Alsaab’s research is broadly focused on designing innovative nanoplatforms technologies aimed towards clinical translation using bio-compatible delivery systems that have enhanced cancer drugs targeting with reduced toxicity to patients. The long-term focus is to evolve a high-quality research in the area of Pharmacy and try to explore the role of nanomedicine and immunotherapy with an emphasis on targeted disease for diagnosis, imaging and therapy.
Board certified nutrition support pharmacist, clinical pharmacist in nephrology unit – New Cairo Hospital. Session 1 Objectives • Overview of energy metabolism. Session 2 Objectives • Parenteral nutrition related risk factors. Dr. Eman Hassan Mohamed SaadDr. Eman Mohamed
• Parenteral formulation components.
• Parenteral vitamins and trace elements.
• Disease specific formulations and special nutrients
• Macronutrient related complications and their management.
• Micronutrient related complications and their management.
• Strategies to manage parenteral nutrition associated hepatobiliary • complications
• Strategies to mange parenteral nutrition associated metabolic bone disease.
She is a Board certified nutrition support pharmacist, clinical pharmacist in nephrology unit – New Cairo Hospital.
She is a Clinical pharmacist who graduated from Misr international university (MIU) -2 015 with an excellent high honor degree. Board certified nutrition support pharmacist 2019, clinical nutrition specialist. She is working full time in New Cairo Hospital in Nephrology unit. Also, she was working part time as a nutritionist in DR. Nutrition center for management of obesity. She worked in Infection control department in the Ministry of Health for 1 year and six months. She participated in Dubai international Pharmaceuticals& technologies and Exhibition (DUPHAT) performing two posters presentations -2015, achieving the third place for one poster and the tenth place for the other poster
Pharmacy Practice Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Session Objectives • Understand how the playbook can help making antibiotic stewardship practical and learn how to use it. Dr. Abrar is an Assistant professor in Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy at the Faculty of Pharmacy of King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Completed PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Completed PGY2 Infectious Diseases Pharmacy Residency at the University of Houston, Houston, Texas, USA, Completed Infectious Diseases Research fellowship at Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Connecticut, USA And Completed a certificate program on Infectious Diseases in Adults from Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USADr. Abrar K. Thabit
• Explain how to measure antibiotic utilization.
• Describe additional strategies for antimicrobial stewardship.
BSc of Clinical Pharmacy Academic Staff in Clinical Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, October 6 University. Session Objectives Define acute liver failure. Dr. Ahmed Essam Abou Warda Mohammed He is a Clinical Pharmacy & Clinical Nutrition Departments Supervisor at Al Moalmen Hospital, Cairo. Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Cairo University Hospitals. Academic Staff in Clinical Pharmacy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, October 6 University. BSc of Clinical Pharmacy Master of Clinical pharmacy Candidate Three years experience in teaching in the field of Clinical Pharmacy.Dr. Ahmed Essam
Master of Clinical pharmacy Candidate
Describe most common causes and complications of acute liver failure.
Develop a treatment strategy to manage and reduce the complications associated with ALF.
Discuss drug dosing in patients with ALF.
Discuss common Complication of Hepatic cirrhosis and its management.
Four years experience in Clinical Pharmacy practice in adult ICU.
Two years experience in Pediatric ICU at Pediatric specialized Cairo University hospital.
Pharm D of Cairo University and Mansoura University preceptor.
Egyptian Fellowship of Clinical pharmacy preceptor.
Clinical pharmacy coordinator for Clinical pharmacy Courses, Hospitals Training and Conferences at October 6 University.
Check Now The Meeting Brochure
Day 1 - Thursday - December 12, 2019
- Introduction of FADIC Online Annual Meeting 2019
- Smart Planning for Pharmacists
- Patentscope in: The method of treatment of solid tumors containing hypoxia and/or stroma feature
- Basic Principles for Effective Teaching and Learning
- How to Plan For Effective Teaching
- Why Do Therapeutic Drug Monitoring?
- Management & Drug Dosing in Acute Liver Cirrhosis Complication
- FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting – Day 1 Recap
Day 2 - Friday - December 13, 2019
- Pharmacist Inhabited Clinical Career Skills
- Antibiotic Stewardship in Acute Care: A Practical Guide
- A Guide for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Outpatient Settings
- All from A to Z Antimicrobial Stewardship Metrics Quantitative vs. Qualitative
- Antibiotic Stewardship for Antibiotics “Just-in-Case”
- Establishing Your Digital Profile: Your Guide to LinkedIn
- Macro-& Micronutrients in Parenteral Nutrition: Too Little or Too Much?
- FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting – Day 2 Recap
Day 3 - Saturday - December 14, 2019
- Introduction of The Third Day
- Quality and Safety of Pharmacy Practice
- The Impact of Pharmacist-Led Medication Therapy Management on Medication Adherence
- Precision Pharmacotherapy Integrating Pharmacogenomics into Clinical Pharmacy Practice
- Current Trends in Pharmacotherapy of Breast Cancer
- Possible Parenteral Nutrition Risks, Complications and Management
- The Impact of Teamwork in Today’s Healthcare Organization
- FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting – Day 3 Recap
Day 4 - Sunday - December 15, 2019
- 7 Steps of Applied Research Process: “Scholarship in Action”
- Publication Strategies to Enhance Visibility, Impact, and Citations
- Drug Induced Thrombocytopenia
- Strategies to Achieve a Better Work-Life Balance
- How to Develop Your Career in Pharmacy?
- Human of FADIC Celebration
- FADIC 2019 Annual Meeting – Day 4 Recap