Why Take Patient Counseling Program?
To know the guidelines of Pharmacist-Led Patient Education and Counseling session with an Evidence-Based Practice to improve patient safety
Patient Counseling Program
- Safe and effective drug therapy depends on patients being well informed about their medication.
- Most pharmacists in community pharmacies and hospitals have not been educated and trained for counselling and have remained mainly as prescription fillers or dispensers.
- As a result, many patients do not get enough information about their medication use, including how and when to take the drug, how long to take it, and what to do if side effects occur or a dose is missed.
- Lack of information may lead to therapeutic failure, adverse effects, additional expenditure on investigations and treatment or even hospitalisation.
- patient counseling refers to the process of providing information, advice and assistance to help patients use their medications appropriately.
- According to USP, medication counselling is an approach that focuses on enhancing the patients’ problem-solving skills to improve or maintain the quality of health and quality of life.
- The information is usually given verbally but may be supplemented with written materials.
- During the medication counselling course, the pharmacist should assess the patient’s understanding of their illness and treatment.
- In addition, providing individualised advice and information will assist the patient in taking their medication most safely and effectively.
- To provide accurate advice and information, the pharmacist should be familiar with the pathophysiology and therapeutics of the patient’s disease.
- Providing good communication skills is needed to gain the patient’s confidence and medication counselling.
- It is essential to help motivate the patient to adhere to the recommended regimen.
- Introduce effective medication counselling aims to produce the following results:
- a Better patient understanding of their illness and the role of medication in its treatment.
- Improve medication adherence
- More effective drug treatment
- Reduced incidence of adverse effects and unnecessary healthcare costs.
- Improved quality of life for the patient.
- Better coping strategies to deal with medication-related adverse effects.
- Improved professional rapport between the patient and the pharmacist.
What You Will Get Every Week (Lesson Planning) | |||
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(2-3 Hours) per week | (60 Minutes) per week | Every week |
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🌹 Details of the FADIC Medication Counselling Program
General Guidelines Patient Counselling
- The Introduction to Patient Counselling Training Program
- General Guidelines for Patient Counseling
- How does a Pharmacist Promotes Patient Counseling?
- Providing Plain Health Information
- Patient Counseling Library
Central Nervous System (CNS) Patient Counseling
- Depression counselling
- Insomnia patient counseling
- Anxiety patient counseling
- Headaches patient counseling
- Epilepsy patient counselling
- GAD & PD
- PTSD and OCD
- REMS in Psychiatry
Cardio Vascular (CVS) Patient Counseling
- Patient Counselling on CVS – Angina
- Patient Counselling on Cardiovascular Diseases – CHF
Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) Patient Counseling
- UPPER Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome “IBS.”
- Food Poisoning AND Inflammatory Bowel Diseases “IBD.”
Respiratory System Patient Counseling
- Asthma patient counselling
- COPD patient counselling
- Respiratory Patient Case Scenarios
Dermatology Patient Counseling
- Heat Rash, Chickenpox, Herpes Zoster, Tinea, Onychomycosis, and Boils.
- Acne, Atopic Dermatitis, Dandruff, Dry Skin, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis.
- Top 5 Dermatology patient counselling
- The Role of Pharmacists for Dermatology Patients
Miscellaneous Patient Counseling
- Antimicrobial patient counselling
- Miscellaneous patient counselling: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, and Glaucoma
- Rheumatoid Arthritis, Eye, and Ear Disease
Pediatric Patient Counseling
- Fever and Beyond
- Diaper Rash and Oral Complaints
- Common Infections in Pediatrics
- Food Allergies and Immunisations
Chronic Illness Patient Counseling
- Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
- Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM)
- Example of Pharmacist’s Role in Chronic Illness
Obstetric Patient Counseling
- Contraception Patient Counseling
- Pregnancy Patient Counseling
- Breastfeeding Mothers Counseling
- Common Problems in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy and Lactation Resources
Webinars in the patient counseling course:
- OARS Model Essential Communication Skills
- Patient Counseling and Education Event
- Patient Counseling and Education Symposium
Target Audience:
- All Pharmacists (Hospital, Community, Retail and Clinical Pharmacist)
- Pharmacist Technicians
- Student Pharmacists (3rd and 4th year)
For Patient Counselling Syllabus and Lecturers, from this LINK.
See Also FADIC Patient Education and Counseling Program Promo from this LINK
Enhance your learning with the FADIC Mentorship Reviewer System. A dedicated mentor will guide you through your projects and workshops, providing personalized feedback to help you succeed.
Maximize your learning with downloadable and printable FADIC handouts. Study effectively and independently at your own pace.
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Stay updated with FADIC: Starting from your registration date, you will enjoy 24 months of full access to all course materials, including the latest updates and course content.
Read More from FADIC Website:
- Download the info-graphs of Certification/ Grow pharmacist from this LINK.
Read More
- Join FADIC School of Antimicrobial Stewardship
- Drug Information Fellowship
- Patient Counseling Clinic
- Medication Safety Program
- Clinical research Course
- Drug information program – 3 Months
- #SPLE #Pharmacy Course
- Basic & Advanced Level Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
- ALL FADIC Programs & Courses, stay updated with FADIC Programs.
- Podcast of FADIC, help you to learn from others experience in the clinical practice.
- FADIC Book Store
1. #patient educator, patient education and counseling
2. #patient education, importance of patient education
3. #patient education examples, patient family education
4. #patient counseling, patient counseling by pharmacist
5. #patient counseling examples, counseling patient
6. #medication counseling
7. #community pharmacy
8. #role of pharmacist in community pharmacy
9. #community pharmacist
10. #صيدلي المجتمع, تخصص صيدلة, وظائف صيدلة, صيدلة, صيدلة اكلينيكية, دبلوم صيدلة عن بعد, دورات صيدلة, طب صيدلة, صيدلة بالانجليزي
If you have any inquiry, please contact WhatsApp.
Week 1: Counseling Guideline
- The Introduction of Patient Counselling Training Program
- General Guidelines for Patient Counseling
- How Pharmacist Promotes Patient Counseling?
- Providing Plain Health Information
- Patient Counseling Library
- FADIC Prescriptions – حمل الآن كتاب فادك للروشتات الطبية
- Project 1 Workshop
Week 2: CNS
- General Communication Tips with CNS Disorders and Depression
- Insomnia Patient Counseling
- Anxiety Patient Counseling
- Headaches Patient Counseling
- Epilepsy Patient Counseling
- GAD & PD
- PTSD and OCD
- REMS in Psychiatry
- Project 2 Workshop of Patient Counseling on CNS
Week 3: CVS
- Patient Counselling on CVS – Angina
- Patient Counselling on Cardiovascular Diseases – CHF
- Project 3 – Workshop of Patient Counseling on CVS
Week 4: GIT
- UPPER Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome “IBS”
- Food Poisoning AND Inflammatory Bowel Diseases “IBD”
- Project 4 – Workshop of GIT Patient Counseling
Week 5: Pediatric
- Fever and Beyond
- Common Infections in Pediatrics
- Diaper Rash and Oral Complaints
- Food Allergies and Immunizations
- Project 5 – Workshop of Pediatric
Week 6: Obstetric
- Contraception Patient Counseling
- Pregnancy Patient Counseling
- Common Problems in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy and Lactation Resources
- Breastfeeding Mothers Counseling
- Project 6 Workshop of Patient Counseling on Obstetric
Week 7: Respiratory System
- Asthma Patient Counseling
- COPD Patient Counseling
- Respiratory Patient Case Scenarios
- Project 7 Workshop of Respiratory Patient Counseling
Week 8: Dermatology
- Heat Rash, Chickenpox, Herpes Zoster, Tinea, Onychomycosis, and Boils
- Acne, Atopic dermatitis, Dandruff, Dry Skin, Psoriasis, and Dermatitis
- Top 5 Dermatology Medication Counseling
- The Role of Pharmacists for Dermatology Patient
- Project 8 – Workshop of Dermatology
Week 9: Chronic Illness
- Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
- Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM)
- Black Box Warning Medications List
- Project 9 Workshop of Patient Counseling on Chronic Illness
Week 10: Antibiotics Patient Counseling
- Selection of Antimicrobial Drugs
- Penicillin Allergy & Counseling
- Cephalosporin Counseling
- Vancomycin
- Tetracycline
- Tigecycline
- Macrolides
- Aminoglycosides
- Fluoroquinolones
- Metronidazole
Week 11: Miscellaneous
- Miscellaneous Patient Counseling: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, and Glaucoma
- Rheumatoid Arthritis, Eye, and Ear Disease
- Project 11 – Workshop of Patient Counseling
Week 12: Medication Counseling Cases
- Ventolin (Salbutamol)
- Adalimumab (Humira)
- Hymox (Amoxicillin)
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Eczema (Bepanthen)
- OARS Model Essential Communication Skills
Final Patient Counseling Project
- Take-Home Messages for Patient Counseling
- Final Project of the Patient Counseling
Your Certificate
- And Finally, Your Certificate…
البرنامج قد حقق الهدف الذي كنت اتطلع اليه من المام بموضوع المشورة الدوائية من معلومات واليه عمل بالاضافه الي اتاحه مراجع اضافية لمن اراد الاستزادة برنامج قيم انصح به لمن اراد انشاء عياده تثقيف دوائي او طلاب صيدله
Nouf abdurazaqبرنامج ممتاز وثري بالمعلومات المهمة جدا لكل صيدلي
Zahraaالبرنامج مفيد وغني جدا بالمعلومات. طريقة العرض وتقسيم المحتوي رائعه جدا . بصراحة انا ما حضرت كورسات مرتبة مثل هذا البرنامج
Reem khaledقررت الالتحاق في البرنامج بعد التخرج وبعد خروجي من مقابلتي الشخصية لوظيفة صيدلي مجتمع . وكان لدي بعض نقص الثقه في جودة المعلومة التي اقدمها للمريض بعد انهائي الكورس حصلت علي ما ارغب به من معلومات علمية عميقة وسهلة الوصول للمريض الف شكر لكل المحاضرين اطيب التحيات
Hanan asiri