OTC Antacids Medication Examples


The Most Famous 2 drugs for Treatment of acidity and stomach ulcers are:

1- Famotidine 💊

2- Ranitidine 💊 




  • Brand Names: Pepcid
  • Therapeutic Category: Histamine H2 Antagonist, Antacids
  • Dosage Forms: Oral Tablet, Solution/ Injection Antacids
  • Use: Labeled Indications: Gastroesophageal reflux disease/ Heartburn/ Peptic ulcer disease
  • Off Label Indication: Aspiration prophylaxis in patients undergoing anesthesia/ Chronic spontaneous urticarial/ Stress ulcer prophylaxis in select critically ill patients/ Mastocytosis
  • Dosing : Adult Heartburn, mild intermittent symptoms: Oral: 10 to 20 mg up to twice daily when needed (maximum: 40 mg/day); may also be taken 10 to 60 minutes before meals or beverages that cause heartburn (maximum: 40 mg/day).
  • Pediatric: Infants <3 months: 0.5 mg/kg/dose once daily for up to 8 weeks; if not effective after 2 weeks, increasing to 1 mg/kg/dose once daily
  • Infants ≥3 months, Children, and Adolescents ≤16 years: Initial: 0.5 mg/kg/dose twice daily; maximum dose: 40 mg/dose
  • Dose Adjustments

  • Renal Impairment:. CrCl 30 to 60 mL/minute: Maximum dose: 20 mg once daily or 40 mg every other day
  • CrCl <30 mL/minute: Maximum dose: 20 mg every other day or 10 mg once daily
  • Hepatic Impairment: No dosage adjustment for Antacids
  • Adverse Drug Interaction:
    Agitation, Headache, dizziness, Diarrhea
  • Pharmacodynamics/Kinetics:
  • Onset of action: Within 1 hour
  • Bioavailability: Oral: 40% to 45%
  • Time to peak, serum: Within 1 to 3 hours
  • Duration : 10 to 12 hours
  • Important Notes:
  • Prolonged QT interval has been reported in patients with moderate to severe renal impairment.
  • Pregnancy & Lactation: pregnancy category B drug / present in breast milk
  • Drug safety issue:

Famotidine may be confused with FLUoxetine, furosemide






  • Brand Names: Zantac
  • Therapeutic Category: Histamine H2 Antagonist, Antacids
  • Dosage Forms: Oral Capsule/ Syrup /Tablet, Solution/ Injection Antacids
  • Use: Labeled Indications: Gastroesophageal reflux disease/ Heartburn/ Peptic ulcer disease
  • Off Label Indication: Anaphylaxis or severe infusion reaction/ Aspiration prophylaxis in patients undergoing anesthesia/ Chronic spontaneous urticarial/ Stress ulcer prophylaxis in select critically ill patients
  • Dosing : Adult Oral: 75 mg twice daily as needed; if symptoms persist after 2 to 4 weeks, increase to 150 mg twice daily for 2 weeks
  • Pediatric: Infants, Children, and Adolescents ≤16 years: Oral: 5 to 10 mg/kg/day divided twice daily; maximum dose: 150 mg/dose
  • Adolescents >16 years: Oral Treatment: 150 mg 4 times daily/ Maintenance: 150 mg twice daily
  • Dose Adjustments

  • Renal Impairment:. CrCl <50 mL/minute:Oral: 150 mg every 24 hours
  • Hepatic Impairment: No dosage adjustment for Antacids
  • Adverse Drug Interaction:
    bradycardia/ Agitation, confusion, dizziness, depression, drowsiness
  • Pharmacodynamics/Kinetics:
  • Onset of action: Oral: 12 to 72 hours
  • Bioavailability: Oral tablets: 50%
  • Time to peak, serum: Oral: 2 to 3 hours
  • Half-life elimination: Oral: Normal renal function: 2.5 to 3 hours
  • Important Notes:
  • Hepatic effects: Elevation in ALT levels has occurred with higher doses (≥100 mg) or prolonged IV therapy (≥5 days)
  • Rare cases of reversible confusion have been associated with ranitidine; usually elderly or severely ill patients
  • Pregnancy & Lactation: pregnancy category B drug / present in breast milk
  • Drug safety issue:
  • RaNITIdine may be confused with amantadine, riMANTAdine
  • Zantac may be confused with Xanax, Zarontin, Zofran, ZyrTEC


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