FADIC Clinical Research School

Research School


  • As FADIC was pledged to keep you always updated with the latest in your clinical practice. It is time NOW for you to learn how to conduct a research study in an effective way, and how to understand the clinical research properly.


  • It is now time to share into publication process, it is not a big problem, nor difficult. Only it need you to learn the basics, and the cycle of research, and the steps for publication.


  • Time to learn how to write a scientific research paper effectively. It is really deserve from you to work on yourself, and try to understand the research and apply its concept into your daily clinical practice.

Research School

FADIC Research School is Targeting >> physician, pharmacist, dentist, nurse, and all other healthcare professionals. In addition to pharmacy and medical students.


What You Will Get Every Week (Lesson Planning)
Online Lesson Workshop / Project Mentor Support Reviewer
(2-3 Hours) per week (60 Minutes) per week Every week
Review the answers with feedback

For Research School Syllabus and Lecturers, from this LINK.

NOW, Are You Ready to Be a Research Professional?

Said: Dr Rasha Abdelsalam




FADIC Clinical Research Certification Program

Research School


Introduction of Clinical Research School

With FADIC Research School, you Will Learn How to…

Research School

Learn the Research Methodology from A to Z

You will be able to make your own research paper, and publish it in the international journals, and present it as a poster or abstract presentation in the conferences. You will learn how to plan research, analyse, write and publish your paper.


Research School

Access and Updates

The access for the research school will continue through 24 months from the initial registration time, including all updates, handouts and videos.


You’ll Also Get These Awesome Bonuses…

Research School

Bonus #1. Learn with FADIC Mentorship Reviewer System (300$ Value)

You will have your own mentor, who will facilitate the learning journey in clinical research, & answer all your questions, additionally the reviewer who will review all your projects & workshop, to be able to your own research & publish your own paper properly.


Research School

Bonus #2. Join FADIC Research Community (200$ Value)

This course comes with access to a private community research group where you can contact other members about what’s working, what’s not, other publication strategies, and what steps you need to take next and publish with them your next research.


Research School Syllabus and Lecturers, from this LINK.

Curriculum of the Research School

Research School


730 USD 580 USD
Enroll Now

Why Join FADIC Research School?

To learn how to conduct research, and steps of research methodology. Whenever you meet a daily clinical question, it can help you to conduct a study design. You need to learn how to apply biostatistics on the research.

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Keep Learning From FADIC:

FADIC Research School Modules

Module 1: Research Planning
Research Introduction PICO Principles Type of Resources PubMed, Trip Tutorials Types of Study Designs Systematic Reviews Clinical Trails
Module 2: Research Preparation
Descriptive Statistics Apply Biostatistics on Research SPSS Program Survey Preparation EBM
Module 3: Research Writing
Academic Writing How to Write Citations? Writing Skills Mendeley FADIC Tutorials Book Writing and Reviewing
Module 4: Research Publication
International Publication Types of Journals Author Guidelines Manuscript Preparation Accept/Reject Manuscript Clinical Research Team Start your research NOW.
