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Qatar Prometric Pharmacist Exam Preparation Course (SCHQ)
Qatar Prometric Course for Pharmacists (SCHQ) is an online program helps fresh graduated pharmacists to get admitted to the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS).
Moreover, the Saudi Pharmacist Licensure Examination (SCHQ) is mandatory for all graduated pharmacists who want to practice pharmacy in Saudi Arabia and SCHQ Preparatory Pharmacy Course can hellp.
Furthermore, this interactive SCHQ Preparatory Pharmacy Course designed based on the SCFHS content areas.
It consists of 15 Days, with variety of interactive activities:
- Online sessions
- E-Books
- Interactive MCQs
- Infographics
- Summery and Revision
- 11 SCHQ Mock Test (each of them contains 300 multiple-choice questions, as well as the possibility of including up to 20 un-scored items).
- Additionally, the mock tests measure your knowledge and make simulation for the real exam conditions.
- Moreover, This interactive course will provide guidance for all PharmD intern, 5th year pharmacy student, and fresh graduate pharmacist approaching the SCHQ test.
Why SCHQ Preparatory Pharmacy Course?
- FADIC SCHQ Review course designed for the recent graduated pharmacists, PharmD interns, the 5th year pharmacy student.
- Additionally, this online course help you to get prepared for the SCHQ exam.
- Moreover, it includes of 10 Weeks each session will include a variety of sessions, infographics, books, tables, summeries, and MCQs related to the topic.
- This is a 19 Days, with a total of 50 hours; each week will be 4-6 hours per day.
- The purchase of the course grants you 6 months’ access to all the course recorded lectures.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Understand the basics and concepts of SCHQ exam
- Provide most important infographics, cards, summaries for the most important points related to pharmacy practice.
- Determine the most important knowledge required for pharmacy practice.
- Learn how to answer the multiple choice questions effectively.
- Provide a real simulations for the real test practice with scoring system.
Target Audience:
- Pharmacy students (Including 5th Year)
- Fresh graduate pharmacist
- Internship
- Pharm D
Let’s Practice!
Subscription Packages
Package | Duration | Price (£) |
15-Day Access | 15 Days | 105 GBP |
One Month | 1 Month | 160 GBP |
Two Months | 2 Months | 220 GBP |
Three Months | 3 Months | 330 GBP |
Six Months | 6 Months | 500 GBP |
Twelve Months | 12 Months | 600 GBP |
- Vaccines and Immunization Mini-Course | for Pharmacists and SPLE
- ThePharmacotherapy and Clinical Science Mini-Course | for Pharmacists and SPLE
- FADIC Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics Mini-Course | for Pharmacists and SPLE
- JoinFADIC Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Calculations Mini-Course| for Pharmacists and SPLE
- Check Now FADIC® E-Book Store in different specialties | with SPLE Books and Mock Tests
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If you have any inquiry, please contact WhatsApp.
1- Physiology | Immunology | Microbiology
- Physiology Vs. Pathophysiology
- Types of Immunity
- Types of Antibody
- The 4 Types of Hypersensitivity Reactions
- Microbiology Introduction
- Gram-Positive Vs. Gram-Negative Bacteria
- Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Interpretation (MIC)
- Summarized Bacterial Types
- Pocket Guide for Antibiotic Pharmacotherapy E-Book
- Info-graphics
2- Immunology | Vaccination
- Active Vs Passive Immunity | Vaccines
- Vaccine Types: Inactivated Vs Live Attenuated
- Vaccines: Administration & Precautions
- Vaccines: Contraindications & Adverse Effects
- Vaccines Consideration in Special Population
- Vaccines Storage
- Vaccinations Needed Before You Travel & Hajj
- Saudi MOH and CDC Immunization Schedules
- Influenza Vs COVID-19 Vaccines
- Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs
3- Pharmacology
- Fluoroquinolones
- Pharmacology Vs. Clinical pharmacology
- Cephalosporins
- Penicillin
- Polymyxins
- Tetracyclines
- Aminoglycosides
- Fluoroquinolones
- Sulfonamides
- FADIC Clinical Pharmacology Cards Quick Guide
4- Pharmaceutical Calculations for Pharmaceutical preparations
- Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Calculations
- Drug Instability Causes
- Drug Administration Route
- A Simple Guide for Drug Calculation
- Equivalent Dose – Drug Conversions Unit
- Drug Concentration Units
- Percentage Calculations
- Dosage Calculations of Drug
- Pharmacokinetic Equations and Calculations
- How To Think Systematically In Calculations?
5- Toxicology | Antidote
- Toxicology, Antidote and types of Toxicity
- Adverse effects Vs Side effects & Contraindication Types
- Drug-Drug Interaction
- Acetaminophen Toxicity
- Digoxin Toxicity
- Warfarin Toxicity
- Heparin Toxicity
- Methotrexate Toxicity
- Medicines Side Effects
6- Pharmacokinetics | Pharmacodynamics | Pharmacogenomics
- Pharmacokinetics Vs. Clinical Pharmacokinetics (ADME)
- Role of Pharmacist in Clinical Pharmacokinetic Monitoring
- Basics of Pharmacokinetics
- Basics of Pharmacodynamics
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring List (E-Booklets)
- Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
- Gene Expression and Regulation
- Info-graphics
- Example of Pharmacogenomic Drug Testing
7- Pharmacoepiemiology | Pharmacoeconomics
- The Importance of Pharmacoeconomics
- Cost-Minimization Analysis
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cost-Utility Analysis
- Pharmacoeconomic Role of Pharmacists
- Application of Clinical Pharmacoeconomics
- Pharmacoepidemiology definition
- Primary Vs. Secondary Data Collection Sources
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
- Pharmacoepidemiology in Pharmacy Practice
8- Medication Safety | Quality Improvement
- Medication Safety Among International Organization
- Medication Safety Terms
- Quality Improvement (Six Sigma, Lean, Kaizen)
- Pharmacist as a Leader
9- Drug Information | Biostatistics
- PICO Question Examples
- Drug Information, and Electronic Resources
- Top 10 Ethical and Legal Issues in Drug Information
- Basics of Biostatistics
- Clinical Application of Biostatistics
- Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluation
- Phases of Clinical Trials
- The 7 Tips for Managing a DIC
- Drug Information Medical Resources Case Studies
- Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
10- Evidence-Based Medicine | Research Designs
- Introduction of EBM
- Evidence-Based Practice learning Series: Ask, Acquire, and Appraise
- Evidence-Based Practice learning Series: Apply, and Assess
- 7 Steps of the Research Process
- How to Write a Research Plan?
- The 12 Types of the Research Design
- Types of Data Collections
- Ethical Issues in Clinical Research
- Guideline for Writing the Research Proposal
- Clinical Practice Guidelines Tools & Resources E-Book
11- Patient Assessment | Non-prescription Drug
- Prescription Drugs Vs. OTC Drugs
- OTC Regulations and Guidelines
- 10 Over-the-Counter Medication Safety Patients Tips
- The 10 Over-the-Counter Medication Safety Pharmacist Prescribing Tips
- Pharmacist Role for The proper Selection OTC Products
- Key Pharmacists Counseling Reminders to Patients OTC Products
- The The 7 Steps to Consider in Clinical Reasoning
- The Differential Diagnosis – an example
- Essential Guide to Community Pharmacy Practice
- OARS Model Essential Communication Skills
12- Clinical Skills | Case-based Approach in Vitamins
- Types of Vitamins
- Vitamin B1 – B2 – B3
- Vitamin B5 – B6 – B7
- Vitamin B9 – B12 – C
- Vitamin A – D
- Vitamin E – K
- How Do Pharmacists Use & Recommend Vitamins?
- Vitamins Patient Counseling & Education
- Vitamin Case-Based Approach
- Info-graphics
13- Pharmacy Practice
- Medication Storage
- Pharmacy Practice Management
- Compounding Sterile Preparations (IV Preparation)
- Total Parenteral Nutrition “TPN”
- Non – Sterile Preparations “Extemporaneous Compounds”
- Evaluation of Medication Appropriateness
- Medication Management and Use
- ESR “Essential Safety Requirements”
- Medication Errors
- Adverse Drug Reactions
14- Pharmacotherapy| Clinical Sciences 1
- What is Pharmacotherapy?
- Heart Failure
- Anti-arrhythmia
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Diabetes
- Dyslipidemia
- Hypertension
- Pharmacotherapy in Special Populations
- Role of Pharmacist-led Pharmacotherapy
- Info-graphics
15- Pharmacotherapy| Clinical Sciences 2
- General Communication Tips with CNS Disorders and Depression
- Insomnia Patient Counseling
- Anxiety Patient Counseling
- Headaches Patient Counseling
- Epilepsy Patient Counseling
- GAD & PD
- PTSD and OCD
- REMS in Psychiatry
- The Most Popular Contraceptive Drugs
- Pregnancy & Lactation Infographics
16- Ethics
- Principles of Biomedical Ethics
- Ethical Dilemmas In Delivery of Patient-Centred Care
- Ethical Dilemmas In the COVID-19 Pandemics
- Pharmacist Ethical Code
- Bioethics Definition
17- Qatar Prometric Last Minute Review
- FADIC Vitamins E- Guide Book
- Drug Information Flashcards E- Book
- Clinical Practice Guidelines Tools & Resources E-Book
- The Black Box Warning Medications List
- How to Answer MCQs Questions
- Clinical Pharmacology Cards Quick Guide from FADIC
- Pharmacy Regulations
- Prometric Pharmacy Made Easy
- Prometric Pharmacy Last Minute Review
18- Flash Cards Qatar Prometric
- SCHQ Flashcards 1
- SCHQ Flashcards 2
- SCHQ Flashcards 3
- SCHQ Flashcards 4
- SCHQ Flashcards 5
19- Practice Tests Qatar Prometric (Test 1 - Test 10)
- Prometric Mock Test 1
- Prometric Mock Test 2
- Prometric Mock Test 3
- Prometric Mock Test 4
- Prometric Mock Test 5
- Prometric Mock Test 6
- Prometric Mock Test 7
- Prometric Mock Test 8
- Prometric Mock Test 9
- Prometric Mock Test 10
20- Mock Tests Qatar Prometric (Test 11 - Test 20)
- Prometric Mock Test 11
- Prometric Mock Test 12
- Prometric Mock Test 13
- Prometric Mock Test 14
- Prometric Mock Test 15
- Prometric Mock Test 16
- Prometric Mock Test 17
- Prometric Mock Test 18
- Prometric Mock Test 19
- Prometric Mock Test 20
21- Self-Assessment Tests Qatar Prometric (Test 21 - Test 24)
- Prometric Mock Test 21
- Prometric Mock Test 22
- Prometric Mock Test 23
- Prometric Mock Test 24
Your Certificate
- And Finally, Your Certificate…
انا اجتزته والحمدلله حصلت علي سكور عالي الموقع بالنسبة لي كان مثل المرجع وكان بيساعدني جداً علي المراجعة بسهولة سواء من حيث المادة العلمية أو الماتريال والشرح أو الامتحانات وهذا كان من الأسباب اللي خلتني اشترك في كورس فادك بعيد عن الكورسات الثانية اللي كانت موجودة نجحت بأعلي سكور 690
Mustafa Abdelmeged Mahmoudاشتركت مع فادك في كورس وهي تجربتي الأولي مع فادك الكورس ساعدني كتير في اجتياز الاختبار واستفدت من المحتوي العلمي في أكثر من موضوع الشيء المميز في الكورس أنه بيتم تحديثة باستمرار ليشمل كل الموضوعات .. أشكر مجهودكم واتمني مزيد من التطور متابع باستمرار لكم وأتمني مزيد من التطور والنجاح
Peter Gergesأشكركم علي الكورس جداً لأنة ساعدني أنجح في إمتحاني للمرة الأولي وحصلت علي سكور 560 من أول محاولة الله يرزقكم ويوفقكم
Pharmacistأنا الحمدلله اجتازت إمتحان الهيئة التخصصات أمس بفضل الله وكنت أخذت كورس مع فادك وبإذن الله تعالي خلال أسبوع هيظهر نتيجة تصنيفي as a clinical pharmacist بإذن الله الكورس عملي refreshment سريع وجميل الصراحة وبنك الأسئلة دربني علي أني أجاوب ال 300 سؤال في حوالي ساعة .. هو امتحاني رغم إنه كان من أصعب ال models بس الحمدلله نتيجتي كانت حوالي 80 % شكرا لفادك وجزاكم الله خيراً
Pharmacistالسلام عليكم أنا امتحنت اليوم في البحرين والحمدلله نجحت 71% pass كل الشكل للدكتورة الكورس كان مفيد جدا لأن الأسئلة تعتمد عالفهم بشكل أساسي والإلمام بكل المواضيع وقسم كبير من الأسئلة حالات سريرية طويلة تحتاج فهم وتركيز الكورس ساعدني في استرجاع معلوماتي ووفهم المواضيه خاصة اني دارسة الصيدلة باللغة العربية وخريجة 2007 صراحه الكورس مو بس ساعدني بالنجاح وانما عمل نقلة نوعية لمعلوماتي ورجع الحماس الي
Roba Yousifفادتني شروحات الفيديو كثيراً .. والأجمل والأهم الاسئلة كانت مفيدة وتختصر وقت كبير للمذاكره وبرضو كنتوا متعاونين بالرد اذا احتجت استفسار عن اي نقطه وبالتوفيق لكم بالنسبة للاسئلة عندي اقتراح تكون تحتوي علي شرح للجواب في ايقونة جانبية عند كل سؤال مثلا
Sara Alshehriاستفدت من كورس فادك في صراحة المعلومات مختصرة ومفيدة وكمان الاسئلة الموجودة بنهاية الكورس تقيين المستوي ممتازة جداً
Pharmacistحقيقة الكورس جميل ومرتب بشكل احترافي 👌🤩🤩 والعمل عليه كان شيء جبار 🔥🔥💪ماشاء الله تبارك الله
Pharmacistالحمد لله اجترت اختبار الهيئة ولله الحمد وشاكرة ومقدرة لجهودكم بعد الله سبحانه وتعالى جزاكم الله خيرا ورفع قدركم بالدنيا والاخرة الكورس كان ممتاز يعطيك اهم النقاط يشرحها لك اعجبني كثرة الاسئلة والفلاش كاردز فعلا ساعدني تكرارها والتدرب عليها تفصيل المواضيع ببساطة كان شيء فعلا مفيد لانني عانيت قبل من دسامة المواد العلمية، بينما عندكم مبسطة